Civil Rights Flashcards
When was slavery banned nationally?
13th amendment in 1865
Banned slavery and allowed congress to legislate against states
When were all American-born individuals granted citizenship?
14th amendment in 1868
Overruled Scott vs sandford
Gained protection from states: cannot limit privileges of American citizenship
When was discrimination banned in the US?
15th amendment 1870
Depriving of the vote based on race banned
When was discrimination in public facilities allowed by judicial review?
Plessy vs Ferguson 1896
Louisiana required trains to provide accommodation for white and black passengers
What was the unofficial segregation which existed in northern states?
De facto
Minorities in worse economic areas
Discrimination in job opportunities
Constriction projects such as highways damaging black dominated house price
When was the first law passed in congress against discrimination?
Civil Rights Act 1964. Banned discrimination on race, colour, religion, sex, national origin
Which act aimed at removing voting discrimination measures?
Voting Rights Act 1965 Banned literacy tests and states needed federal approval for electoral changes
When was affirmative action established?
JFK executive order
Created equal employment opportunity council
required federal employers to ensure no discrimination against applicants
When did federal government require diversity information to be shared by employers?
Johnson executive order
Anyone with over $50,000 in federal contracts had to make visible efforts to increase diversity
Which republican president aimed to promote minority business owners?
Nixon established Office of Minority Business Enterprise 1969
Set aside a portion of federal contracts for minority businesses
What was the Philadelphia Plan 1970?
Federal contractors were given mandatory quotas for diversity
When was affirmative action in university challenged?
U Cal v Bakke 1978
Supreme Court ruled reserving 16 places on the course for minorities broke 14th amendment
Adarand Construction v Pena 1995
Construction company owned by whites lost federal contract despite having more competitive offer
Contractors given bonuses for subcontracting minorities
All affirmative action had to pass strict scrutiny after this case
What is strict scrutiny?
Prove AA serves government interest against a serious problem and that no other options were available to achieve this outcome
How can affirmative action be seen to have improved income inequality?
Statistics show black middle class grew and minorities reduced income inequality
In 1968, black male only 20% as likely to be a manager as white
In 1998, rose to 50%
Poverty rates according to ethnic group
10% of whites
24% of blacks
14% of Hispanic
Which study showed existing employment discrimination?
2001 by National Bureau of Economic Research
Applications with white names were 50% more likely to receive call backs and interviews than black
What was the change in UC Berkeley admissions after the affirmative action ban?
1994 took in 8% black
2011 only 2% black
Which amendment does affirmative action contradict?
14th amendment equal protection clause
What is the mismatch theory?
Less qualified minorities gain place at top university but can’t keep up when they are studying
What is an example of an alternative to affirmative action?
University of Texas uses top 10% plan
Increased diversity to 22% in 2003 higher than 16.5% in 1997 with affirmative action