Civil Rghts Flashcards
Civil disobedience
Breaking a rule or law knowing you will be punished because you believe the law is wrong.
major goals/values of Martin Luther King, Jr.?
- Achieving goals through nonviolent civil disobedience
- end segregation
- support labor unions
- end the Vietnam war
- ending US support for dictators
- ending poverty
Principles of nonviolence
- see the people who are doing wrong as victims who need love not hate
- people have a responsibility to stand up to injustices not ignore them
- responds to violence with kindness not hatred in an attempt to educate influence people’s perceptions
MIA ( Montgomery improvement organization)
An organization that was created to organize one particular action in the Civil Rights movement, though it’s leaders went on to form another organization that coordinated other actions.
SNCC ( student nonviolent coordination committee)
This organization was started on college campuses and organized the freedom rides, and Freedom Summer.
NAACP (national association for the advancement of colored people)
One of the oldest organizations fighting for African American rights, it continued to play an important role throughout the civil rights movement and still exists today.
SCLC (southern Christian leadership conference)
Organized by leaders of different civil rights actions, this organization offered training on how to use non-violence and helped people organizing to fight segregation.
Advantages of nonviolence
- makes people more likely to support what the movement is trying to accomplish
- starts to break down prejudices
Rosa parks role in the civil rights movement
She was a civil rights activist who routinely challenged unfair laws, and one of those challenges led to major changes.
Which of the following are things whites did to try to stop the boycott?
- churches were bombed
- The homes of some boycott leaders were bombed.
- At least one person was beat to death by the police
- KKK members from the surrounding area came in to try to intimidate blacks.
- A citizen’s council was organized to fight back against the boycott and a rally of whites was held.
- rosa parks was fired
Which of the following are things done to help the bus boycott participants avoid riding the busses?
- Funeral homes would offer people rides in the hearses.
- Rosa Parks got a pick up truck full of used bicycles for people to use.
- Black taxi cab drivers would give people rides for reduced fares.
- People from around the country sent shoes since people were walking so much resulting in shoes being worn out.
- Some white women would go pick up their maids
- Churches took up collections to buy station wagons to drive people to work
- Organizers coordinated pick-up spots where people who had cars could pick-up anyone who needed rides
What ended the Montgomery boycott?
The court case filed by organizers reached the Supreme Court who ruled the segregation was illegal, so the bus company was forced to change its rules.
What did rosa parks do that got her arrested?
she refused to give up her seat in the black section of the bus for a white person
What happened when the Little Rock Nine tried to go to Little Rock High school?
Mobs and the Governor tried to stop them, but the President sent in troops to protect them
What was the Governor Faubus’s role in the Little Rock Nine school integration?
He ordered the Arkansas National Guard to stop the nine black students from entering the school
Which best describes the experience of the Little Rock 9 students on their first day of school at Little Rock High School?
The Arkansas National Guard blocked them from entering the school and the crowd threatened to lynch them.
Which best describes the Little Rock Nine situation?
Their lives were in danger when they tried to enter the school
Which is the best description of what the Civil Rights Act of 1964 did?
Made it illegal to discriminate or segregate in public places and businesses, banned discrimination in hiring, and gave some additional voting rights.
Which is the best description of NOW?
an organization that worked to achieve equality between men and women in a variety of areas
What did the Voting Rights Act do?
- make it illegal to do anything to prevent someone from voting because of race
- make restrictions on voting like literacy tests illegal
- Require certain states with a history of problems to get pre-approval before making any changes to their voting laws and procedures
- Give the federal government the power to oversee elections in certain states with a history of problems
Which of the following were the 2 main goals of the Civil Rights Movement?
- desegregation
- equal protection under the law (for example to vote)
Which is the best description of affirmative action?
policies that give preference to groups that have faced discrimination in the past so they have more educational or employment opportunities
What does the word boycott mean?
refusing to buy or participate in something to protest
examples of civil disobedience?
- freedom rides
- Greensborough Sit-ins
- Rosa Parks refusing to give up seat on the bus
Goals of the Women’s right movement
- more opportunities and better pay
- image and role change
- passage of equal rights amendment
What are the main goals of the Native American Civil Rights movement?
- treaty rights being honored
- more awareness of Native American issues
Which best describes AIM?
an organization fighting for various rights for Native American groups