Engineering came from the
Latin word “Ingenium” meaning “Cleverness”
Four main branches of Engineering;
Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, and Chemical Engineering.
- rectangular city blocks, straight streets with right angles, and dividing the cities based on their purposes.
Hippodamian plan
- Story of rampant shipwrecks due to lack of lighthouse that will provide light in nighttime.
Eddystone’s Rocks
The creation of BLANK is the oldest roots of mechanical engineering.
BLANK of the 18th century marked the greater heights of M.E.
Steam engine
BLANK, the British inventor who developed the first successful steam engine with a piston in 1712.
Thomas Newcomen
BLANK, an English father-son duo, are famous for their early steam locomotive, which they called, aptly enough, “Locomotion.”
George and Robert Stephenson
BLANK is one of the newest divisions of mechanical engineering. From it, we’re already seeing the beginnings of exoskeleton-suits, limbs that move like their biological counterparts, and other robotic implants.
Advanced biomechanics
BLANK focuses on harnessing the power of electricity and electromagnetism.
3 Main Branch of E.E:
Telecommunication, Power & Lighting, and Computer Engineering.
English physicist BLANK released his principal work, De Magnete, or “On the Magnet”, back in 1600. Father of electrical studies. He discovered electrical attraction and magnetic poles.
William Gilbert
BLANK is the movement of electrically charged particles. It was discovered by British scientist – Stephen Gray.
Electric conduction
BLANK figured out how to use an electromagnet with a pen so that when the electromagnet was energized, the pen made a mark on the paper. In 1838, he developed a system of dots and dashes, now known as Morse code, so that messages could be easily transmitted.
Samuel Morse
BLANK realized that arc light is too bright for homes, that paved way for his creation of the incandescent bulb.
Alexander Graham Bell
In their beginning, before World War II, most computers were part of what was called BLANK
“radio engineering”