Cisco IOS Commands Flashcards
What is the Cisco IOS Command?
In user EXEC mode, lists the subset of commands that are available at that level.
? or help
What is the Cisco IOS Command?
Applies the ACL to the vty line. The *{direction}* argument can have the value of eitherinorout**.
access-class {number} {**direction}
What is the Cisco IOS Command?
Creates a standard ACL that permits all traffic from or to a specified network.
access-list {number}permit{ip_address} {wildcard_mask}
What is the Cisco IOS Command?
Configures a standard ACL that permits a network.
access-list {acl_id}permit** {network} {wildcard_mask}
What is the Cisco IOS Command?
Creates a numbered access list entry.
access-list {acl_id} permit {network}
What is the Cisco IOS Command?
Allows the configuration of a message that is displayed just before login.
banner login
What is the Cisco IOS Command?
Enables Cisco Discovery Protocol on an interface.
cdp enable
What is the Cisco IOS Command?
Interface subcommands that enable [or disable] CDP for a particular interface.
[no] cdp enable
What is the Cisco IOS Command?
Global commands that enable [or disable] CDP for the entire switch or router.
[no] cdp run
What is the Cisco IOS Command?
Manages the system clock.
clock set
What is the Cisco IOS Command?
Activates the configuration mode from the terminal.
configure terminal
What is the Cisco IOS Command?
Enters global configuration mode.
configure terminal
What is the Cisco IOS Command?
Saves the running configuration into NVRAM as the startup configuration
copy running-config startup-config
What is the Cisco IOS Command?
Copies the switch running configuration file to another destination. A typical destination is the startup configuration.
copy running-config {destination}
What is the Cisco IOS Command?
Generates an RSA crypto key pair.
crypto key generate rsa
What is the Cisco IOS Command?
Generates the RSA key pairs to be used.
crypto key generate rsa
What is the Cisco IOS Command?
Enables debugging of ICMP packets.
debug ip icmp
What is the Cisco IOS Command?
OSPF subcommand to tell OSPF to create and advertise an OSPF default route, as long as the router has some default route (or to always advertise a default, if the always option is configured).
Default-information originate [always]
What is the Cisco IOS Command?
Specifies the IP address of the default router for a DHCP client.
default-router {address}
What is the Cisco IOS Command?
Deletes a file from flash memory.
delete {**name}
What is the Cisco IOS Command?
Creates a deny access list entry.
deny [ip | tcp | udp] {source_network} {wildcard} {mask} {dst_network} {wildcard} {mask}
What is the Cisco IOS Command?
Creates ACL statements for a named ACL. This one disallows.
deny {test conditions}
What is the Cisco IOS Command?
Adds a descriptive comment to the configuration of an interface.
What is the Cisco IOS Command?
Specifies the IP address of the DNS server that is available to a DHCP client.
dns-server {address}
What is the Cisco IOS Command?
Executes user EXEC or privileged EXEC commands from global configuration mode or other configuration modes or submodes, in any configuration mode.
do {**command}
What is the Cisco IOS Command?
Enables full duplex on an interface.
duplex full
What is the Cisco IOS Command?
Interface subcommand that manually sets the interface duplex.
duplex [auto | full | half]
What is the Cisco IOS Command?
Activates privileged EXEC mode. In privileged EXEC mode, more commands are available. This command requires you to enter the enable password if an enable password is configured.
What is the Cisco IOS Command?
Enters the privileged EXEC mode command interpreter.
What is the Cisco IOS Command?
Sets a password for entering privileged EXEC mode. The password is protected using strong MD5-type encryption.
enable secret {**password}
What is the Cisco IOS Command?
Configures the enable password in encrypted form.
enable secret {password}
What is the Cisco IOS Command?
Sets the encapsulation type and VLAN on a subinterface on a router.
encapsulation dot1q {vlan} [native]
What is the Cisco IOS Command?
Enables IEEE 802.1Q encapsulation of traffic on a specified subinterface in VLANs.
encapsulation dot1q {vlan}
What is the Cisco IOS Command?
A subinterface subcommand that tells the router to use 802.1Q trunking, for a particular VLAN, and with the native keyword, to not encapsulate in a trunking header.
encapsulation dot1q {vlan} [native]
What is the Cisco IOS Command?
A subinterface subcommand that tells the router to use ISL trunking for a particular VLAN.
encapsulation isl {vlan}
What is the Cisco IOS Command?
Terminates configuration mode.
What is the Cisco IOS Command?
Erases the startup configuration that is stored in nonvolatile memory.
erase startup-config
What is the Cisco IOS Command?
Sets the interval before the user session is disconnected when idle.
What is the Cisco IOS Command?
Exits the current configuraton mode.
What is the Cisco IOS Command?
Sets the number of lines that are held in the history buffer for recall. Two separate buffers are used: one for EXEC mode commands and the other for configuration mode commands.
history size {number}
What is the Cisco IOS Command?
From console or vty line configuration mode, sets the default number of commands saved in the history buffer for the user(s) of the console or vty lines, respetively.
history size {number}
What is the Cisco IOS Command?
Sets the system name, which forms part of the prompt.
hostname {**hostname}
What is the Cisco IOS Command?
Specifies an interface and enters interface configuration mode.
interface {**type} {module/slot/port}
What is the Cisco IOS Command?
Enters interface configuration mode.
interface {interface}
What is the Cisco IOS Command?
Enters the subinterface configuration mode.
interface {interface} . {subinterface}
What is the Cisco IOS Command?
Global command to create a subinterface and to enter configuration mode for that subinterface.
interface {interface}.{subinterface}
What is the Cisco IOS Command?
Specifies interface FastEthernet 0/13 and enters interface configuration mode.
interface FastEthernet 0/13
What is the Cisco IOS Command?
Global command on a Layer 3 switch to create a VLAN interface and to enter configuration mode for that VLAN interface.
interface vlan {vlan}
What is the Cisco IOS Command?
Enters interface configuration mode for VLAN 1 to set the switch management IP address.
interface vlan 1
What is the Cisco IOS Command?
Applies an extended ACL to an interface in the inbound or outbound direction.
ip access-group {acl_name} [in | out]
What is the Cisco IOS Command?
Enables an IP ACL on an interface.
ip access-group {ACL_name} [in | out]
What is the Cisco IOS Command?
Defines an ACL and enters ACL configuration mode.
ip access-list extended {ACL_name}
What is the Cisco IOS Command?
Creates an extended, named ACL.
ip access-list extended {acl_name}
What is the Cisco IOS Command?
Configures an IP address manually on an interface.
ip address {ip_address} {network_mask}
What is the Cisco IOS Command?
Sets the IP address and mask of the interface.
ip address {ip-address} {subnet-mask}
What is the Cisco IOS Command?
Interface subcommand that assigns the interface’s IP address and optionally makes the address a secondary address.
ip address {ip-address} {mask} [secondary]
What is the Cisco IOS Command?
Configures an interface to obtain an IP address using DHCP.
ip address dhcp
What is the Cisco IOS Command?
Specifies the IP addresses that a DHCP server should not assign to a DHCP client.
ip dhcp excluded-addresses {ip-address} [{last-ip-address}]
What is the Cisco IOS Command?
Configures a DHCP address pool and enters DHCP configuration mode.
ip dhcp pool {name}
What is the Cisco IOS Command?
Enables DNS resolution of symbolic names.
ip domain lookup
What is the Cisco IOS Command?
Supplies an IP domain name that is required by the cryptographic key-generation process.
ip domain-name {name}
What is the Cisco IOS Command?
Sets a domain name.
ip domain-name {domain}
What is the Cisco IOS Command?
Enables forwarding of broadcasts that are received on the interface to the specified IP address.
ip helper-address {address}
What is the Cisco IOS Command?
Configures an interface as NAT inside interface.
ip nat inside
What is the Cisco IOS Command?
Configures an interface as NAT inside.
ip nat inside
What is the Cisco IOS Command?
Configures a dynamic source NAT rule that translates addresses into IP addresses defined in the pool.
ip nat inside source list {acl_id} pool {pool_name}
What is the Cisco IOS Command?
Configures dynamic NAT with PAT.
ip nat inside source list {acl_id} interface {interface} overload
What is the Cisco IOS Command?
Configures a dynaic source NAT or PAT rule that translates addresses into the IP address of an interface.
ip nat inside source list {acl_id} interface {interface_name} overload
What is the Cisco IOS Command?
Configures an interface as NAT outside.
ip nat outside
What is the Cisco IOS Command?
Configures an interface as a NAT outside interface.
ip nat outside
What is the Cisco IOS Command?
Configures a NAT pool.
ip nat pool {pool_name} {start_IP} {end_IP} netmask {mask}
What is the Cisco IOS Command?
Global command that enables or disables the routing of IPv4 packets on a router or Layer 3 switch.
[no] ip routing
What is the Cisco IOS Command?
Global configuration command that creates a static route.
ip route {ip-address} {subnet-mask} [{ip-address} | {interface}]
What is the Cisco IOS Command?
Configures a static route (including a default route).
ip route {network} {network_mask} {next_hop_address}
What is the Cisco IOS Command?
Enables SSH version 2.
ip ssh version 2
What is the Cisco IOS Command?
Specifies the version of SSH to be run. To disable the version of SSH that was configured and to return to compatibility mode, use the no form of this command.
ip ssh version [1 | 2]
What is the Cisco IOS Command?
Global command that allows or disallows the configuration of an interface IP address in a zero subnet.
[no] ip subnet-zero
What is the Cisco IOS Command?
Configures IPv6 address to the interface.
ipv6 address {ipv6_address} / {ipv6_mask}
What is the Cisco IOS Command?
Sets the IPv6 address and prefix length on an interface.
ipv6 address {ipv6-address} / {prefix_length}
What is the Cisco IOS Command?
Enables IPv6 autoconfiguration on the interface.
ipv6 address autoconfig
What is the Cisco IOS Command?
Enables an interface for OSPFv3 in an area.
ipv6 ospf {process_id} area {area_id}
What is the Cisco IOS Command?
Enables OSPFv3 routing on the interface.
ipv6 ospf {process_ID} area {area_ID}
What is the Cisco IOS Command?
Enables the IPv6 default route.
ipv6 route ::/0 {interface} {next_hop}
What is the Cisco IOS Command?
Enables OSPFv3 and enters routing process mode.
ipv6 router ospf {process_ID}
What is the Cisco IOS Command?
Creates the OSPFv3 process.
ipv6 router ospf {process_id}
What is the Cisco IOS Command?
Enables IPv6 forwarding support on the router.
ipv6 unicast-routing
What is the Cisco IOS Command?
Enables IPv6 routing on a router.
ipv6 unicast-routing
What is the Cisco IOS Command?
Specifies the duration of the lease. The default is a one-day lease.
lease [{days} [{hours}] [{minutes}] | {infinite}]
What is the Cisco IOS Command?
Enters line console configuration mode.
line console 0
What is the Cisco IOS Command?
Enters vty configuration mode. Vty lines allow access to the switch for remote network management. The number of vty lines available is dependent on the Cisco IOS Software version. Typical values are 0-4 and 0-15 (inclusive).
line vty {start_number} {end_number}
What is the Cisco IOS Command?
Synchronizes the display of router (or switch) output messages with the command-line prompt.
logging synchronous
What is the Cisco IOS Command?
Synchronizes unsolicited messages and debugs privileged EXEC command output with solicited device output and prompts for a specific console port line or vty line.
logging synchronous
What is the Cisco IOS Command?
Activates the login process on the console or vty lines.
What is the Cisco IOS Command?
Enables verification of a password on a line.
What is the Cisco IOS Command?
Enables verification of a username and password on a line.
login local
What is the Cisco IOS Command?
Makes the login process on the console or vty lines rely on (or use) the local authentication database.
login local
What is the Cisco IOS Command?
Exits EXEC mode and requires reauthentication (if enabled).