CIS-Repro Flashcards
2 most important orgs associated with acute PID?
C trachomatis and N gonorrhea
Regardless of hx, what should you always test in woman of repro age with lower abd/pelvic pain?
pregnancy test
what orgs/disease to test for with PID?
Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, HIV, Hepatitis, Syphilis
who else should be evaluated and treated other than the woman with PID?
male sex partners of the woman pt
what are some clinical features seen in PID?
- lower abd pain
- pain during or shortly after menses
- new vag discharge
- dyspareunia
- abnormal bleeding
- pain w/jarring movement
Complications of PID?
- Fitz Hugh Curtis Band
- bartholin gland abscess
- long term sequelae: infertility, ectopic pregnancy, chronic pain
- pelvic abscess-transvag US if suspected
Risk factors for PID?
Young age at 1st sex, non-barrier contraception, multiple partners
Factors that potentially facilitate PID?
previous PID, sex during menses, vaginal douching, BV, IUD
Tx for PID?
- 2nd or 3rd gen cephalosporin and azithromycin or Doxycycline
- other options: clindamycin and gentamicin
what tx coverage do you want in a woman with recent uterine instrumentation or pelvic abscess (i.e., IUD)?
coverage for anaerobe: Actinomyces israeli
OMT for PID?
contraindicated. put pt on abx for at least 48 hrs and should not have a fever
sympathetics of ovaries?
sympathetics of uterus?
sympathetics of Fallopian tubes?
sympathetics of colon?