CIS 101 Finallllllll Flashcards
What are the main components of an app definition statement?
- concise
- concrete declaration of an app’s main purpose and its intended audience
- frames an idea to pitch to potential stakeholders
What is the difference between as-is and to-be process?
As-is: the way the process functions right now, before new technology is introduced
To-be: the way the process will function with the new technology
What does a process diagram a.k.a swim lane diagram, consist of?
Actor: a person or computer who takes actions or makes decisions in a process
Action: an essential part of a process, described by a verb
Decision: a choice that must be made within the sequence of actions
What are the costs involved in developing an app?
Development costs: if using a contractor/agency
Legal costs: LLC protect your personal assets from liabilities arising out of your business activities
Marketing costs: promoting the app with online ads or printed flyers
App Store costs: apple requires to sign up for the Apple Developer Program ($99/year) publish apps on the App Store
What is a minimum viable product?
A product with just enough features to satisfy early user and to provide feedback for future product development. Used to reduce costs and time-to-market.
What are common monetization strategies and what are their main challenge?
User pays:
- paid app: users are reluctant to pay for an app
- freemium features: right balance between free and premium features
- transaction fees: understanding who you charge and how much
3rd party pays:
- affiliate marketing: setting up affiliate marketing partnerships
- ads: need lots of highly engaged users to generate substantial revenue
How do you calculate the average of a range of numbers in Excel?
Why and how do you use absolute references in Excel?
maintain the original cell reference when you copy it, you “lock” it by putting a dollar sign ($) before the cell and column references.
What are wireframes?
- rough illustrations of a system’s user interface
- layout and navigation structure
What are the main iPhone user interface elements?
- status bar
- content area
- navigation bar
- tab bar
What are mockups a.k.a mockup screens?
depict visual design of the system to be built
What are the CRAP graphic design principles?
Contrast: highlight important elements
Repetition: visual elements
Alignment: organization
Proximity: related
What is the difference between serif and sans serif fonts?
serif are pointed sans serif are curved fonts
How can you create contrast with fonts?
using different fonts
What does a webpage consist of?
consists of an HTML* file and possibly other linked files
What does an HTML element consist of?
start tag and end tag <>
What does <!DOCTYPE html>
tells browser use latest specification of HTML
What does <html>
tells browser the following code is HTML
What does <head>
provides general information about the HTML document, such as title and links to stylesheets
What does <title></title>
defines title of HTML document
What does <body>
defines main content of the HTML document
What does <h1>
defines a first level section heading
What does <a></a>
defines hyperlink
What does <img></img>
used to incorporate in-line graphics (typically icons or small graphics) into an HTML document.
What does <link></link>
specifies relationships between the current document and an external resource
What are the components of a CSS rule?
- selector: points to the HTML element the style wanted
- property
- value
Why do some CSS selectors begin with a period?
signify looking for a class value
What is the meaning of the following CSS rule:
used to set the text color of an element to white
What is the meaning of the following CSS rule:
padding: 20px
define the space between the content of an element and all border refers to specifically 20 pixels.
What is the meaning of the following CSS rule:
margin-top: 20px