Circadian rhythms (CR)
- any physical, mental and behavioural changes that follow a 24-hour cycle.
- These changes occur once every 24 hours.
- The circadian cycle of sleep and wakeful states is governed by-the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN)
- which controls the sleep-wake cycle by regulating the secretion of the hormone melatonin by the pineal gland.
Siffre’s Cave Study 1962
Food and drink access, no light for 7 months, taking self-measurements such as cognitive tests
and blood pressure daily. - Emerged in September. S/W cycle free ran to 25h.
One limitation of research into CR is that it was a case study.
- For example, it was of 1 individual who was aspeleologist who was used to spending a lot of time in the dark. Therefore, the findings are unique
to him as his body’s behaviour may not be typical of all people. - This means it cannot be generalised to the wider population as the rest of us may not adjust to a 24/25 hour clock as easily.
- Furthermore, there is a lack of control because they only monitored him through cameras, and so he could’ve pretended to sleep.
Another limitation of research into CR is that he wasn’t in complete isolation.
- For example, Siffre still had access to artificial light. Artificial light helps to reset your biological clocks, which could be a confounding variable.
- This means we’re unaware if he had a 24 hour clock as he could have possibly been able to reset his sleep/wake cycle through the use of artificial light.
- This is a disadvantage as the findings may be confounded, and so would not be valid.
One strength is that research has useful practical applications to shift work.
- For example, in understanding our daily cycle, research has found that we experience a period of reduced concentration around 6 in the morning which increases chances of mistakes/accidents.
- This allows us to put appropriate measures in place that support the wellbeing of staff ensuring they are healthy which increases productivity.
- This is an advantage because it means workers spend less time off work and more time contributing to the economy- useful economic implications
One strength of research into circadian rhythms is that it has practical application to drug treatment.
- For example, in understanding pharmacokinetics we are able to identify the most suitable time to have certain medication, and how well medicine is absorbed at different times in the day.
- This means we are able to obtain optimal effectiveness when taking medication and so can help speed up the rate of recovery.
- This is an advantage as it helps increase the quality of life