Circulatory & Lymphatic Systems Flashcards
the vascular system must be _______ to adjust to varying needs of tissues in the body and maintain appropriate BP and blood flow. this is achieved by vessels being able to _______ & _______
• Constrict and relax
what is the function of the vascular system?
to deliver materials and remove waste products to tissues
-perfusion of tissues & organs
what components make up the blood vesssels?
- Arteries
- Arterioles
- Capillaries
- Venules
- Veins
the ____ ____ is the inner lining of arteries &
veins composed of endothelium (simple squamous epithelium) which is continuous with the endothelium of the heart
tunica intima
the tunica media is the middle layer of arteries & veins which is made of elastic tissue & _____ _____
smooth muscle
_____ has a thinner layer of smooth muscle compared to arteries
the ____ ______ is the outer layer of blood vessels made of connective tissue
Tunica externa/adventitia
the tunica externa/adventitia is infiltrated with ____ fibers, _____ vessels, & ______
- nerve
- lymphatic
- vaso-vasorum
Depolarization of smooth muscle via fast sodium channels depends largely on extracellular _____
the smooth muscle contractions in the vasculature of blood vessels are ____ & _____, requiring ___ energy
- slow
- sustained
- low
what are the actions of smooth muscle involved the body’s vasculature?
- Few fast sodium channels
* SNS activation or inhibition
________ receptors are excitatory which result in SNS activation, causing sodium channels to open → vasoconstriction
what type of receptors are inhibitory in the sympathetic nervous system, causing sodium channels to close → vasodilation?
the arterioles are predominantly _____ ______ which are responsible for regulating flow into capillaries & ___ _______
smooth muscle
-SNS innervation
the large & medium sized arteries in the arterial system are elastic aka ____ & muscular aka _____
- conducting
- distributing
capillary exchange involves____, _____, & ____ between blood & cells that occurs at the capillary bed
what are the 3 types of capillary membranes?
● Continuous
● Fenestrated
● Sinusoidal
what structures make up the capillary bed/plexus?
● Precapillary sphincters
● Metarterioles
● Thoroughfare channel
____ are not present in thoracic or abdominal veins
what is the structural makeup & functions of the venous system? what innervates them?
Structure: Thin-walled, distensible, and collapsible
– Valves prevent backward-blood flow
Functions: contract or expand to handle variable
amount of blood
Innervation: sympathetic nervous system
what are the parts that make up the venous system?
what are the types of venous sinuses?
– Dural
– Coronary
– Hepatic
how does blood circulate in arteries?
– Pressure within the arteries
– Contraction of smooth muscle in tunica media
how does blood circulate in veins?
– Respiratory (pressure changes)
-skeletal (muscle contraction) pumps
– Valves: one way blood flow
where do veins drain into?
superior or inferior vena cava
____ are capable of enlarging and storing large
quantities of blood
what is blood flow determined by?
- BP
- resistance
what factors contribute to resistance of blood flow in hemodynamics?
- Blood viscosity
- Total blood vessel length
- Blood vessel diameter
what generates blood flow and what does it flow along?
- pumping action of the heart
- pressure gradient
____ results when blood flow is opposed by resistance