Circuits And Channels Flashcards
Define A Circuit
An energetic flow of life
- Formed from specific channels
- Basically the “designed room” you are in a house, or how your house is wired compared to someone else’s
Define a channel
Two gates that are active opposite of each other and connect from Centre to Centre
- It’s a consistent flow of energy circulating
- It’s how we evolve and become our most powerful, effortless, authentic selves
- 36 channels
Aka SELF Empowerment
Made up of 4 Channels - Does NOT include Channels 57-20 or 10-34
- Backbone of the Bodygraph
- It’s all about evolution and integration of the individual process and truly shining authentically
- Tt’s all about EVOLUTION!!
- Really powerful life force
- It’s all about the self, and the highest forms of evolution and impact in this lifetime
- Focused on survival and living
- Have to be self empowered before they’ll be able to help anyone else
- Self-love and really here to meet their soul
- Soul becomes their body and actions in the lifetime
- It’s described as a “self absorbed drive to survive as a unique and differentiated individual”
- These help the survival and ability to grow and adapt for the other 3 Main Circuits: Individual, Collective and Tribal
- Lots of instincts
- Intuition
- Survival
- Instinct to figure it out, it’s INSTINCT not thinking
- Transformation
With the specific Gates/Channels that are active (Gates 34, 57, 10, 20) it basically is expressing “I love myself, I
empower myself, and I listen to my intuition in the now”
- Self empowerment
- Self expression
- Self-sufficient
- Confident and sure
57 - 34
Generated Channel (Respond)
57 - Gate of Intuition
34 - Gate of Power
Spleen to Sacral
- So much awareness, intuition and desire
- Lots of power to do what you want to do, and lots of environmental activation or sensitivity
- Massive fight or flight instinct
- NEVER a thought process, always an action based on intuition
- Has to be super aware of what’s happening inside of them to tune in and use this clearly
- Be careful who you’re around
- The process of fully trusting YOU
- Super inspiring when aligned
- You love yourself and life and decisions
- Super in their self, and don’t want to be annoyed by others that throw them off
57 - 10
Projected (Invitation)
57 - Gate of Intuition
10 - Gate of Behaviour of Self
Spleen to G Centre
- Splenic intuition
- Able to adapt with people, settings, communities
- Hears deeper than the words - What they actually hear beneath what they’re saying
- You can let go of fears of the future and be present in the now knowing you’re here to only move and trust what’s
happening NOW
- Become very creative with just living freely and in the moment
- Unique energy that brings others into happiness and curiosity
- Grace and flow
- In love with what they do in life
- Selfish because it makes them happy
- Keep layering and making it better as their senses deepen
- Authentically living their ideal life based on intuition and what feels good now
-”Mold the world around them by example not intention”
34 - 20
Manifesting Generator Channel
34 - Gate of Power
20 - Gate of the Now
Sacral to Throat
- Creative life force
- Energy, desire, want
- Here to empower humanity
- Super fast speed
- Needs to slow down to actually tap in and listen to the Sacral, otherwise it’s too Manifestor aka force or wasted
- Self-empowerment because you have a LOT of energy when you’re into something
- Here to inspire others with your energy and LOVE for what you do
- Happy, childlike, vitality, fresh
- Charisma is HIGH!!
- Stay in the body, and tune out the shoulds - Huge burn out if you don’t
- You either create clean powerful manifestations, knowing when to slow down and seek focus, or you do chaotic
manifestation which works, but ends up blowing up
- ie - Clean manifesting benefits others too
- Chaotic manifesting is good for a minute then you notice the explosion, resistance, or happiness around you
10 - 20
Higher Self
Projected (Invitation)
10 - Gate of the Behaviour of Self
20 - Gate of the Now
G Centre to Throat
- Each moment is a change to transform deeper
- ”I AM, I am alive NOW!”
- Awakened
- Self trust
- Love the decisions you make and love the results
- Life unfolds and you’re constantly seeing your path and walking further down it
- Leadership and impact based on how YOU live
- You become more and more authentic and more and more inspiring
- Naturally contagious
- Continues down it’s own path based on speaking what it wants and bringing those to life through actions
outward, and continuing to be happier, thriving and walking the path
Knowing and Centering
- Breaks into the KNOWING CIRCUIT (Major Circuit) and the CENTERING CIRCUIT (Minor Circuit)
- Capacity and responsibility to be a force for change in the world, bring transformation to the Tribe and
Collective —- Has to do so with integrity and acceptance, not resistance, from the groups
- The MOST complex
- Brings in energies of all 9 Centres
- In the NOW (present moment), listening to itself, and determination to go where it desires to go (Individual
- Inspires and empowers or awakens potential in others
- ”Being true to oneself, for thinking about and being uniquely attuned to the present moment, living
independent of the norm”
- They totally embody individuality and lead with it
- They have to show up authentically and SHOW it, otherwise the rest of us can’t!
- Can’t fit in
- Intuitive sense of how to empower others - So it becomes about Self-Empowerment with a focus of
EmpowerING others
- These people do not fit in with others as well, because individual knowing is based on intuition or the
- They need to be able to communicate what they feel, their inspiration and action forward so others start to
come into their energy and circle and “get” them a bit more
- They are magnets for attention (uniqueness), however need to be alone to dive into their own creativity
- They’re here in the MOMENT and need to be present in it
- It’s in the moments they’ll activate and really tap into and lead another person to their own transformation
- Auditory - They hear and speak a lot, and always “I know”
Module 7: Channels Part 2
3-60: Channel of Mutation
14-2: The Channel of the Beat
1-8: Channel of Inspiration
61-24: The Channel of Awareness
43-23: Channel of Structuring
38-28: Channel of Struggle
57-20: Channel of the Brainwave
39-55: Channel of Emoting
22-12: Channel of Openness
- They’re here to be seen, noticed and watched!
- Living fully as THEM
- Intuitive knowing in the moment, with passion or moodiness, the waves that bring us the flavour of you
- Unpredictable, unique, creative, flowing
- They don’t know until they know
- They seem to burst into power, then be on their path of flowing (Can feel confusing), then burst out with
more power
3 - 60
Generated (Respond)
60 - Gate of Acceptance
3 - Gate of Ordering
Root to Sacral
- Something is always stirring and wanting to pulse up
- People get impatient and try to force (how’s)
- Need to lean back, trust, and then suddenly they respond, a huge burst of creativity and inspiration and
- Feels like chaos to order
- Changes people - They either adapt with you or get lost
- They can be moody, and need to just flow with it
14 - 2
Keeper of Keys
14 - Gate of Power Skills
2 - Gate of Direction of Self
Sacral to G Centre
- The MISSING KEY in people’s lives!
- Totally innovative and you lead with the creative desire, and when you do, you create a huge change in
people, job, projects etc.
- So lit up by the work and you have the energy to do it
- Be aligned and true to yourself, be on your path and in your purpose
- Life makes decisions through you, it inspires others
- People feel direction around you
- You never know where you’re going to be pulled, you go there, get lit up by something, and take charge and
create a huge change
-The moment you’re asked for direction and you respond, you take charge and lead others
1 - 8
Creative Role Model
1 - Gate of Self Expression
2 - Gate of Contribution
G Centre to Throat
- Desires creativity, beauty and to move to places, expressions, authenticity and items that embody that
- Very creative and are here to model that for everyone else
- ”Individual leadership” - Leads with their own creative power, and inspires someone to do something similar
in their own authentic creative expression of it
- Can want to go create and be all by themselves, they need to work on being able to show up to others and
own the gifts and continue to keep sharing them
- You will get a lot of attention when you do
- Has deep power to impact greatly, and change the way people view life, the world, themselves, beauty etc.
61 - 24
61 - Gate of Mystery
24 - Gate of Rationalization
Head to Ajna
- Individual thinker
- Inspire others with your thoughts
- You see things completely differently than others
- Breaks down old ways of thinking and inspires us with a whole new way (Steve Jobs)?
- Might have repetitive thoughts that drive you crazy then out of the blue it all clicks and you GET it and it’s
transformational when it impacts others
- You have a lot of pressure to think, when you’re authentic and owning what you love to dive into, it’s
released. When it’s put on others or not “understood” then it gets pressure filled
- Needs silence
- Very mysterious in your thinking, process and thoughts that come out
43 - 23
Genius to Freak
43 - Gate of Insight
23 - Gate of Assimilation
Ajna to Throat
- Think outside the box
- Creative, new age thinker, fresh thoughts
- Bring them to others and it changes how they think, this can have a very massive effect
- Strategy and authority for timing is essential
- As you are recognized and invited to share your gifts, you do, and it’s profound!
- Needs clean alignment in order to feel totally open to communicating and tapping into this energy
- Authentically living and being
38 - 28
38- Gate of the Fighter
28 - Gate of the Game Player
Root to Spleen
- You have a drive to do life your own way and want deep meaning and purpose - Even with the struggles you
face, you find meaning
- Can struggle trying to figure out who you are or what you want
- You legit want to play the game, fight against all odds, and come out on top (fight for what’s right)
- There is always a form of struggle, and this is exactly what gives you meaning in life
- You are then able to empower others
- Stubbornly listen to your awareness (Spleen) and act on it, no matter what - Others can get uncomfortable,
but you’re here to inspire others when you beat the odds
57 - Gate of Intuition
20 - Gate of the Now
Spleen to Throat
- Intuition that needs to be spoken!
- Your truth shows up in the moment “I am what I am, and I know how I to be what I am”
- Lots of intuitive outbursts, thinking in the moment and blurting them out
- Can be wildly transformational to others if at the right time
- Deep wisdom
- No fears of tomorrow - All in the now and acting in it
- Spontaneous knowing even for safety and health
Design of Moodiness
39 - Gate of Provocation
55 - Gate of Spirit
Root to Solar Plexus
- Empower with spiritual awareness
- Super creative and moody
- Embrace the emotional highs and lows
- You can see and connect with those you want to within your spirit, that’s good for it
- You also provoke others to shift into the higher spirit - Sadness to joy
- You must be in the mood for all things, otherwise there’s no point
- Honour yourself and witness the ability to shift moods effortlessly, and divinely be connected to your own
spirit through them
22 - Gate of Grace
12 - Gate of Caution
Solar Plexus to Throat
- You use your social skills effectively with awareness and get attention with it
- You connect deeply with them and they hear your words, and you create an impact
- You desire to express yourself, your moods, your thoughts and awareness of self and others
- Your energy is romantic in the sense of dance, laughter, extra touches, passionate
- Your moods can either create deep connection with openness, or push you away from social settings
especially if you’re denying them
- Think: leading with grace through all the waves
34 -10 - Channel of Exploration
51 - 25 - Channel of Initiation
- Centered as a response to life
- All about the personal direction of someone, with response from the sacral
- ”If it’s good for me, it will inspire others”
- Authentically living in desires
34 - 10
Follow one’s convictions
34 - Gate of Power
10 - Gate of Behaviour of Self
Sacral to G Centre
- Living completely authentically with you own responses and desires
- Loving yourself and your movement through life
- Inspire others to do the same, and impactfully transform as they become more and more authentic
- You draw in a lot of attention for owning this, and it’s good for you
- When you’re out of alignment it’s harshly felt, your energy plummets and others feel your shark like energy
- New age energy - A world where we all get to fully be expressed as ourselves and accepted!
- Self love, self acceptance, self reliance, empowerment, independence
51 - 25
Needing to be first
51 - Gate of Shock
25 - Gate of Spirit
Heart to G Centre
- The art of personal power
- Competitive within the self
- Every accomplishment and goal achieved brings a new layer of stretching that you haven’t experienced, you
then have a new layer of power, and new layer of your connection to spirit
- Here to feel their own power and connection to higher power, these big shocking jumps, and landing on two
- Should never initiate - Creates a dissociation with the energy field of transforming others and ability to be
Understanding/Logic Circuit = Black
Sensing/Abstract Circuit = Grey
Collective Circuit has the Understanding/Logic Circuit and the Sensing/Abstract Circuit (Very opposite)!
- Sharing is the key word throughout each channel
- They NEED to share with others - All the things - It’s not meant to be taken in stone
- Very social and want to interact with others
- Oversharing and over talking when someone is unaware of their own impact on themselves, it’s a huge
burden and stressful to others (— Think the undefined solar plexus taking this in)
- It can feel conforming, but it’s working to benefit the majority, and if something worked for someone, it
should work for the masses, and therefore benefit the “tribe”
- ”Majority rules”
- Understanding/Logic Circuit - Which is the outer, it tries to make sense of things.
- Sensing/Abstract Circuit takes the “logic” and tries to build in patterns, energies and abstract thoughts that
make sense to make sense of the past and try to create the future
52-9 : Channel of Concentration
5-15: Channel of Rhythm
7-31: Channel of the Alpha
58-18: Channel of Judgement
48-16: Channel of Wavelength
63-4: Channel of Logic
17-62: Channel of Acceptance
Module 7: Channels Part 3