Cinderella - Queen Constantina Cues Flashcards
Act 1, Scene 3 begins. King starts to dorn his trousers, and a sharp orchestra chord is heard:
“A fine father you are! You never worry about him.”
(“You never worry about him.”)
(A sharp orchestra chord)
King: “What’s wrong with him?”
(A sharp orchestra chord)
“He isn’t happy.”
(“He isn’t happy.”)
King: “Of course he is.”
“If he’s happy, why doesn’t he get married?”
(“If he’s happy, why doesn’t he get married?”)
King: “If he’s happy, why should he get married? - Oh, it’s no use trying to get these buttoned. They’ll just have to do as-is.”
“Don’t be ridiculous. You look like five pounds of flour in a two-pound sack.
The royal tailor will just have to make you a new suit.”
(“The royal tailor will just have to make you a new suit.”)
King: “But this suit is in perfect shape!”
“No one is questioning the shape the suit is in, darling (dear).”
(“No one is questioning the shape the suit is in, dear.”)
Christopher enters the room
Christopher: “Mother, what is the meaning of this?”
King: “Doesn’t anybody in this house knock?”
“Darling (dear), we were just talking about you!”
(“Darling (dear), we were just talking about you!”)
King: “Your mother was talking. I was listening.”
“And where have you been, in that costume?”
(“And where have you been, in that costume?”)
Christopher: “Why wasn’t I consulted about this ball that I am supposedly giving?”
“Oh, darn - you found out. It was supposed to be a surprise birthday party. Well, surprise!”
(“…Well, suprise!”)
Christopher: “It’s three months until my birthday. And since when does a birthday party require the attendance of ‘every eligible young maiden in the kingdom’?”
“What??? Let me…
Well (oh), you know those royal printers - they never get anything right.”
(“Well (oh), you know those royal printers - they never get anything right.”)
Christopher: “Mom, I want this ball called off immediately.”
“But, darling (dear), it’s impossible (or ‘you know its impossible’) to cancel once you’ve got the ball rolling. (OH! Ball!) (howling laughter that slowly dies down)”
(“But, darling (dear), it’s impossible to cancel once you’ve got the ball rolling! (howling laughter)”)
Christopher: “Well, you can just count me out!”
King: “Your Highness!
Look, Chris - we don’t want to pressure you, but you do have certain obligations.”
“What your father is trying to say is that it’s time to choose a bride and produce an heir. After all, someday soon this kingdom will be yours.”
(“After all, someday soon this kingdom will be yours.”)
King: “Not THAT soon.”
(Oh! How-) “I long to hear the pitter-patter of feet on the marble again!”
(“I long to hear the pitter-patter of feet on the marble again!”)
Christopher: “All I’m asking is to find a bride for myself, in my own time. I guess I have this old-fashioned idea that I want to fall in love before I get married. Like you did.”
King: “That’s what we want for you too, son.”
“Of course it is, darling (dear). Well, thank goodness we have THAT all settled! Now, I have prepared a short guest list for your approval!”
(Grabs the scroll and hands it to Christopher)
(“Now, I have prepared a short guest list for your approval!”
(Grabs the scroll and hands it to Christopher))
Christopher: “You haven’t heard a word I’ve said!”
(Oh, it’s but-) “Family and close friends, darling! Terribly intimate.”
(“Family and close friends, darling! Terribly intimate.”)
(Lionel enters)
Lionel: “Your Majesties, Your Highness - if you please. I couldn’t help overhearing and I probably shouldn’t interfere…”
(Alongside the King and Christopher) “Probably.”
((Alongside the King and Christopher) “Probably.”)
Lionel: “But perhaps we can reach a royal compromise?”
King: “What do you think this is - a democracy?”
Christopher: “What sort of compromise, Lionel?”
Lionel: “Let’s say you suck it up and go along with the ball.”
“I’m loving this idea so far.”
(“I’m loving this idea so far.”)
Lionel: “And if you find the girl of your dreams, great.
(To the Queen)
But if he doesn’t…”
Christopher: “Lionel, you’re brilliant! Okay, I’ll do it. But if I don’t meet the right girl at the ball, you’ll let me fall in love in my own time, no matter how long it takes…”
Christopher: “And with no interference. Dad?”
King: “Well… it does have a certain logic to it.”
“Of course, darling (dear). If that’s the way you want it, that’s the way it shall be.”
(“If that’s the way you want it, that’s the way it shall be.”)
Christopher: “Thank you. Both.”
King: “You know, son, there’s only one way to find the girl of your dreams.”
Christopher: “What’s that?”
King: “Dumb luck! Let’s just hope it runs in the family.”
Christopher, hugging King and Queen: “Love you guys!”
(Christopher exits)
Lionel: “Don’t worry, Your Majesties. He’ll meet the right girl at the ball. I can just feel it in my bones!”
“You’ll feel it in your bones if he doesn’t.”
(“You’ll feel it in your bones if he doesn’t.”)
Lionel, rushing off: “I hear that!”
(Lionel exits)
“…Max. Suppose he… doesn’t meet the right girl at the ball? What then?”
(“What then?”)
King: “Then he’ll meet her somewhere else. Isn’t that the way it always happens?
(Music begins)
Boys and girls like you and me
Walk beneath the skies
They love just as we love
With the same dream in their eyes.
Songs and kings and many things
Have their day and are gone,
But boys and girls like you and me,
We go on and on.”
“They walk on every village street
They walk in lanes where branches meet
And stars send down their blessings from the blue.
They go through storms of doubt and fear
And so they go from year to year
Believing in each other as we do.”
(“Believing in eachother as we do.”)
(Continues singing, with the King)
“Bravely marching forward two by two.
Boys and girls like you and me
Walk beneath the skies
They love just as we love,
With the same dream in their eyes.
Songs and kings and many things
Have their day and are gone,
But boys and girls like you and me,
We go on and on.”
Act 2, Scene 1. On a dull, stiff scene, we see the King and Queen aside of the stage on their thrones. As a long line of maidens enter and Christopher dances with each one, we hear:
“Have you ever seen so many lovely girls?”
(“Have you ever seen so many lovely girls?”)
King: “It looks like Chris is having a worse time than I am.”
“Oh, darling, he’ll find the one he’s looking for tonight.”
(“…He’ll find the one he’s looking for tonight.”)
King: “And if he doesn’t?”
(Then-) “It’s going to be a looooong night.”
(“It’s going to be a long night.”)
A long amount of dialogue passes. The stepmother tries to butter up Lionel, Christopher dances with Joy and Grace, and Christopher becomes increasingly frustrated. We hear:
Grace: “‘On the ocean of life!’ That’s like, you know - water!”
Christopher: “Thank you, miss, for the… distinct pleasure of your company.
(Christopher turns to the King and Queen)
How much more of this are you going to put me through?”
“Why, darling, it’s the shank of the evening!”
(“Why, darling, it’s the shank of the evening!”)
A long amount of dialogue and singing passes. We see Christopher continue to dance until his discontentment breaks him into song (“Loneliness of Evening”), until we see the lovely Cinderella finally enter the ball. Christopher is awestruck and the mood instantly changes, and we hear:
Christopher, to Cinderella: “May I have the pleasure of this dance?”
Cinderella: “I’d be delighted, Your Highness.”
Christopher and Cinderella dance together in a lavish waltz. This continues, during which the King exclaims:
King: “Well, things are lookin’ up!”
“Lionel, who is that captivating creature?”
(“Lionel, who is that captivating creature?”)
Lionel: “Beats me. No one seems to know. But she sure looks fine.”
“Hmm…shall we join them, Your Majesty?”
(“Hmm… shall we join them, Your Majesty?”)
King: “I’d be honored, Your Majesty.”
The King and Queen make their way to the dance floor and join the others. Long amounts of dialogue pass, and Christopher and Cinderella continue to dance as Christopher’s joy leads him to sing (“Ten Minutes Ago”). The song ends, and the partners shift - the King and Queen make their way to Christopher and Cinderella and pair off. Here, we hear:
King: “May I?”
Christopher: “Dad-
(The Queen sweeps Christopher away for a dance)
“Darling, who is that enchanting girl?”
(“Darling, who is that enchanting girl?”)
Christopher: “That’s what I was trying to find out when we were so rudely interrupted.”
“Of course, it doesn’t really matter. You told me yourself you wouldn’t find the girl of your dreams tonight.”
(“You told me yourself you wouldn’t find the girl of your dreams tonight.”)
Christopher: “…Maybe I was wrong.”
“But… more importantly…?”
(“But… more importantly…?”)
Christopher, to the joy of the Queen: “Okay, I admit it. You were right!”
To this, Christopher breaks into song again (“Ten Minutes Ago” continued), and we hear dialogue between the King and Queen. This… doesn’t go well, and Cinderella becomes distraught. We hear:
Cinderella: “…I’m sorry, Your Majesty. Will you excuse me for a moment?”
King: “Of course, my dear.”
Cinderella moves to leave, and Christopher rushes to catch up with her. Quickly, he moves to get to her and leaves the Queen’s dance-
Christopher: “Thank you, Your Majesty.”
(Curtsying) “Charmed, Your Highness.”
Act 2, Scene 3, we being outside of the royal palace. After some time Cinderella rushes off unexpectedly, and a frantic Christopher is hurridly met by the King, Queen, and Lionel. They speak:
King: “What happened, Chris?”
“What did you say to her, darling?”
(“What did you say to hear, darling?”)
Christopher: “I don’t know. We were in the gardens and-“
Lionel: “What the…?”
Christopher: “An evening slipper - made of glass. She must have lost it when she ran out. I’ve got to find her!”
Lionel: “What’s her name?”
Christopher: “…I don’t know.”
King: “Where does she live?”
Christopher: “I don’t know!”
“Well, you certainly didn’t get to know her very well!”
(“Well, you certainly didn’t get to know her very well!”)
Dialogue passes. Soon, we hear Christopher break into song again, to which the King and Queen accompany him.
Christopher: “All my life I’ve been searching for something. I didn’t know what exactly but I found it tonight - in her.”
King: How can you be so sure?”
Christopher: “Do I love her because she’s beautiful?”
King: “Or is she beautiful because you love her?”
Christopher: “Am I making believe I see in her
A girl to lovely to be really true?
Do I want her because she’s wonderful?”
“Or is she wonderful because you want her?”
(“Or is she wonderful because you want her?”)
More dialogue passes. Christopher’s determination resolves to find the mysterious woman, and the King and Lionel aide him. We hear:
Lionel: “Who dances in glass shoes? Ouch!”
Christopher: “We’ll leave at dawn. Have the stable master prepare the coach.”
Lionel: “Consider it done, Your Highness. By the way, am I the only one who’s noticed that pumpkin sitting there?”
“Do take it to the pantry, Lionel, before someone trips over it.”