Çiğdem Yanar Ayanoğlu Flashcards
_> 95th percentile for age,sex,height on _> 3 occasions
1-13 years
Stage 1 htn: >95th to <95th+ 12mmhg or 130-139/80-89
Stage 2: >95th+12 mmhg or >140/90
Whicever is Lower
Usually secondary htn, and prevelance <%1
Bp should be checked after 3 years
Below 3 years if: premature,congenital heart disease, renal disease, increased intracranial pressure, other htn assoc ilnesses, cancer,solid organ transplant, use of steroids
Prehtn/elevated bp
White coat htn
_> 90th percentile, <95th
Or 120/80 to <95th
Auscultation with cuff,oscillometric(for mean), ambulatory bp monitoring(ABPM)( 24 hr)
Systolic: 1st korotkoff
Diastolic: 5th korotkoff
Bp: vascular resistance,cardiac output
Primary htn causes
Calcium sodium transport alterations, vascular smooth muscle reactivity, renin ang system, symphathetic nervous system overreactivity, insulin resistance, elevated uric acid, salt sensitive htn
Secondary htn causes
Renal, renovascular : %90
Renal: glomerulonephritis,reflux or obstructive nephropathy,polycystic/dysplastic renal disease, hemolytic uremic syndrome
Renal, cardiovascular, endocrinopathies:
Renal tumor, lupus,acute tubular necrosis,pyelonephritis,transplant rejection,Coarctation of aorta, takayasu arteritis,vasculitis, av shunt,umbilicak artery catheterization, cushing,pheochromacytoma,hyperthyroidism, hyperparathyroidism,congenital adrenal hyperplasia, aldosteronism,lidle syndrome, intracranial mass,quadriplegia, corticosteroids, guillen barre syndrome
Htn causes depending on age?
Premature infant: umbilical artery cathetherization/ renal artery thrombosis
Early childhood: renal disease,coarctation of aorta,endocrine disorders,medication
Older school aged: primary htn
Htn symptoms
If any:
Headache,dizziness,visual change,epistaxis,seizure,anorexia
After stage 2:
Hypertensive encephalopathy(PRES): vomiting, elrvated temperature,ataxia,stupor,seixure
Cardiac failure,pulmanory edema,renal dysfunction,bell palsy
Hypertensive crisis: decreased vision, papilledema, encephalopathy, hf, renal dysfunction
Target organ injury: lv hypertrophy, carotid intima-media thickness, retinopathy,microslbuminuria
3. End organ damage
History,pe(cushing,neurofibromatosis,hsp,willms tumor),famly history,growth parameters,4 extremities, urinaysis,electrolytes,bun,creatinine,cbc,urine culture,renal usg, if obese: fasting lipid/glucose
1.htn 2. Measure 4 extremities 3.urinalysis
4 ekstremiteden ölç:
1.upper lower difference: coarctation of aorta
2.if not,urinalysis abnormal: a)rbc: postinfectious/lupus nephritis b)wbc:reflux nephritis,uti
3.urinalysis normal: endocrine, renovascular,essential htn
Drugs for htn in children
İndication for drugs: symptomatic htn, secondary htn. Target organ damage,persistent htn,diabetes
Symptomatic htn: cardiac/renal failure,retinopathy,encephalopathy,seizure
Ace-i, Arb, b-blockers, ca channel blockers, diuretics
B blockers or ca channel blockers: htn children with migraine headaches
Ace-i or arb:diabetes,microalbuminuria, proteinuric renal disease
Bp goal <95th but if ckd,diabetes, target organ damage: <90th
Drug choices:labetalol,nicardipine,sodium nitroprusside
Bp reduced %10 1sth hour,%15 next 3-12 hours
If renovascular prblm, renin angiotensin system drugs are contraindicated