Cicuits Flashcards
How do non-rebreathing circuits operate
Rely on high FGF to flush expired CO2 from system do it cannot be re-breathed
Ayre’s t-piece features (3)
Small animals <10kg
Suitable for IPPV
Ayre’s t-piece circuit factor
Bain features (4)
larger patients >10kg
Double tubing
Suitable for IPPV
Bain circuit factor
Check specific to Bain
Check that inner tube not detached from system
Magill features (3)
patients >10kg
Lower FGFR than t-piece and Bain
Not suitable for prolonged IPPV
Magill circuit factor
Parallel lack features (3)
For patients >10kg
More economical than Bain for large patients
- lower FGFR
Not suitable for prolonged IPPV
Mini-lack features (3)
For patients <10kg
Lower FGFR
Not suitable for prolonged IPPV
Parallel and mini-lack circuit factor
Advantages of non-rebreathing circuits (6)
Simple construction
No soda lime
Lower resistance than RB
- some good for small patients
Inspired gas volume comparable to vaporiser setting
Volatile agent concentration can be altered rapidly
Disadvantages of NRB circuits (4)
High FGFR High volatile agent consumption Expired moisture and heat loss - cold inspired gas Different FGFR required for different circuits
Re-breathing circuit features (3)
Requires lower FGFR
Higher resistance
- unsuitable for small patients
Allows conservation of heat and moisture
Circle features (7)
High resistance Soda lime absorbs CO2 For patients <10kg - more economical than Bain/lack Preserves exhaled heat and moisture Less pollution Cost efficient re. O2 and VA