Cicero Flashcards
(35) gravem personam…Appius
Appius Claudius Caecus.
- A distinguished ancestor of Clodia who completed the Aqua Claudia aqueduct and began the Appian Way (road across Italy).
- In the previous chapter, Cicero spoke to Clodia in the persona of Appius in order to make her feel ashamed of dishonouring her ancestry.
(35) Caelius
The man being defended by Cicero.
- He has been accused of political violence, the murder of an ambassador, and the attempted poisoning of and theft of gold from Clodia.
(35) ‘woman’
- The widow of Quintus Caecilius Metellus Celer and sister of Publius Clodius (a politician who was Cicero’s political rival)
(35) Baiae
A sea-side resort near Naples, known as a place of immorality.
(36) that old man
Appius Claudius Caecus.
- A distinguished ancestor of Clodia who completed the Aqua Claudia aqueduct and began the Appian Way (road across Italy).
- In the previous chapter, Cicero spoke to Clodia in the persona of Appius in order to make her feel ashamed of dishonouring her ancestry.
(36) your brother
Publius Clodius.
- There was a rumour that he had an incestuous affair with Clodia.
(36) in your neighbourhood
Caelius had moved next door to Clodia
(36) grounds near the Tiber
Clodia owns a park near the river Tiber (main river of Rome). Cicero implies she bought it so she can watch young men swim and pick ones out to have affairs with.
(37) Someone Caecilian
Statius Caecilius was a comic playwright who lived from 219-168 BC in Rome. He seems to have specialised in surly old men.
(38) “He has broken the doors…back together’
Quotation from Terence’s ‘Brothers’. Terence was a Roman playwright who lived from c. 195/185 to c. 159. The fictional father quoted here seems a lot gentler than the Caecilian fathers from chapter 37.
(39) Camilli
M. Furius Camillus = dictator of Rome in 396 and 390. Dictators were appointed in times of crisis and held power for 6 months.
(39) Fabricii
C. Fabricius Luscinus was a great general in the war against Pyrrhus (King of Epirus in Greece) and was censor of Rome in 275.
(39) Curii
M. Curius Dentatus was consul in 290 and 275; he ended the Samnite War and defeated Pyrrhus.
(40) books…records
Books may mean books in circulation, records may mean the original parchments, stored away in record offices or temples
(40) Greeks
Greeks were considered to be very clever by the Romans. Cicero alludes to Greek philosophers who wrote about how to live an honourable life, e.g. Plato. He implies that they do not live up to their written ideals in life.
(40) when the times of Greece changed
Greece started to decline in the 4th century BC and was conquered by Rome in 146 BC.