Church History Ch. 24-26, 30-33 Flashcards
How was Europes economy in the early 1100s?
Econ was good. Education was more available
3 universities and their studies?
University of Paris, Oxford (both theology schools), and Bologna. (law school)
“faith seeking” proposed by
Peter Abelard composed the
introduction to theology
use of logic and philosophy to gain greater understanding of faith.
Systematic investigation of propositions about God and christian doctrine=
theology (Peter Abelard)
Abelard’s Sic et Non
“Yes and No” 1122
Peter the Lombard 1150 wrote four
books of the sentences (sentences have meaning)
All of Thomas Aquinas (nick named dumb ox) in Latin was called “ll theology”
Summa Theologiae
Christians in Middle Ages loved saints especially
Uneducated people liked concrete things. Physical things that are a sign of God’s power: such as saints, cross, shroud of Turin, Holy Grail
Churches built as shrines to hold the relics
Blank to a shrine was a major expression of faith.
place for pilgrims to spend the night.
3 most famous pilgrimage sites during Middle ages
North Spain, Rome, and Jerusalem.
When blanks attacked pilgrimage sites, pilgrimage gave reason for having crusades
sent by pope to preach at Vezelay about the need for a crusade. Whats a crusade (part 2)
Bernard of Clairvaux. Crusade is a holy war
Vezelay was
huge church in middle of no where. Held bones of mary Magdalene.
Bernard wrote a treatise
book on divine love
Bernard preached by a war against muslims. 400 years of fighting
Muslims invaded Spain in 715
We are like dwarfs standing on the shoulders of giants.
dwarfs are the common folk, giants were the educated people from the past. Dwarf can see what the giant sees on his shoulder.
Why Peter of Morone as pope?
was best suited to unite christendom as Bishop of Rome.
Where did Peter of Morone take up residence
he resided in Avignon.
How long did French Pope reside in Avignon
74 years
What spiritual book did Catherine write? What did she do
She wrote “The Dialouge” she is honored as a Doctor of the church. She had extrodinary holiness. Helped the community through prayer. “unusual powers”
What did Catherine do to the marching army?
She turned the army around, away from a war.
What did catherine do in Avignon?
Her and her disciples waited 40 days on the Popes doorstep and questioned them. They listened and stopped battle.
In 1378, what did the French cardinals do?
Each pope excommunicated eachother, gave away papal priviledges to win people allegiance, and political considerations prevailed. Court to fix Papal issues.
1430, what was the situation for the Pope?
No pope was in a position to operate as the leader of the church for more than 100 years.
1295 Pope and Cardinals knew the papacy had lost the “fine of faith_. Hermit elected as pope but he quit.
The next pope was bullied/ killed by King of France. King made sure French Pope was elected. 75 years the Popes staed at Avignon, France.
After French peope died, there were 2 Popes
One in avignon, one in Rome
Europe was disgusted in 2 popes, council made sure there was only one.
Power and reputation of the papacy ruined.
Orders are?
groups of monks, sisters, priests, who live under one rules
New work done by Brethren of common life?
voulanteering to build schools for poorest familes
outsold bible
whipping themselves
Imitation of Christ
number 1 selling book
20,000 masses
King dude
Bishops who ruled 2,3,4 or more diocese at the same time, collecting fees from each one.
Papal schism
40year competition between French and Italian popes who wanted to be supreme leader of the church. Papacy authority was usless.
preached about the fires of helland the need to be sorrowful
Girolano Savonarol
the human being is entirely corrputed by sn
luther believed in
justification by faith alone.
95 theses in
In 1520, Pope ecommunicated Luther after he wrote what 3 famous essays?
Address to the German Nobility, Greedom of the Christian, and Babylonian captivity of the church.
What Luther’s essays were about. 2 sacraments, preists, papacy
Baptism and Eucharist, no seperate priestly class, attacked papal authority-sola scripture
Things Christians adopted from Luther:
Vernacular bible, Vernacular mass, and congregational singing.
1530 catholic vs lutheran war.
Politics more than relgions
Catholics and Lutherans signed the
Peace of Augsburg
Zwingli proposed idea of bread and wine being
Dont need frequent comunion when we have
the memoral of Last Supper on Sunday
Sunday _____ service
Zwingli speaks his mind in front of luther. Luther writes this on the table
Hocest Corpus meum. THIS IS MY BODY
the practice among those with power or influence of favoring relatives or friends, especially by giving them jobs.
Authority of the pope