Church Epochs Flashcards


What are the 7 major epochs


The history of the Christian church is commonly divided into major periods or epochs to better understand its development and impact over time. Here’s a high-level overview of these epochs:

  1. Apostolic Age (30–100 AD): The earliest period of Christianity, starting with the life and teachings of Jesus and the works of the Apostles.
  2. Ante-Nicene Period (100–325 AD): Christianity under persecution in the Roman Empire, leading up to the First Council of Nicaea.
  3. Nicene and Post-Nicene Period (325–590 AD): The establishment of orthodox doctrine, the rise of monasticism, and the spread of Christianity.
  4. Early Middle Ages (590–1054 AD): The church’s role in the feudal system, the spread of Christianity in Northern Europe, and the Great Schism.
  5. High Middle Ages (1054–1517 AD): The Crusades, the rise of scholasticism, and the further spread of Christianity.
  6. Reformation and Post-Reformation (1517–1648 AD): The Protestant Reformation and the Catholic Counter-Reformation.
  7. Enlightenment and Modern History (1648–present): The Enlightenment’s impact on Christianity, the rise of various Christian denominations, and the global spread of Christianity.
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