Church Bought With His Own Blood Flashcards
Many churches are established today but which one did God establish?
Ac 20:28 Keep watch over yourselves and all the flock of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers. Be shepherds of the church of God, which he bought with his own blood.
What church did God tell us to take care of ?
It is the church bought with his own blood that he established Ac 20:28
Just as companies have names this church bought with his blood has a name too! But what is the name ?
Church of God 1 Cor 1:1-2 he called it the church in Corinth because the church was in Corinth therefore it was the Church of God in Corinth.
What’s the name of the church that Paul persecuted ?
Gal 1:13(1) it was the Church of God
What is the name of the Church That Jesus established ?
Church of God
Those who violated the Passover despised what church
1 Cor 11:22 they despised the Church of God
All the apostles an the God who came jn the flesh went to what church ?
The Church of God
Is it the true church God established just because of the name of the church is the church of God?
No it must meet the characteristics of the true Church established by God .
What are the characteristics of the true Church ?
Ac 20:28 the church that was “Bought with his own blood”
What does Gods blood mean in the bible ?
Ex 34:25 (blood of my sacrifice KJV) or the blood of the Passover lamb is his blood. Gods blood indicates the blood of the Passover Lamb
In Mat 26:26-28 what is Jesus call the Passover wine?
He called the Passover wine “his blood” Mt 26:26-28
In the New and in the Old testament where is Gods blood promised ?
Gods blood I promised both in the new and in the old testament through the Passover
Without the Passover can the church be bought with his own blood ?
No therefore the true churchyard keep the Passover
Why did God establish the church with his own blood ?
Eph 1:7 because we can only have the forgiveness of sounds only through the blood of Christ .
Then How can we receive the blood of Christ ?
1 Cor 10:16-17 in order to receive the blood of Christ we must participate in it
Then how can we participate in the blood of Christ ?
He said that we can participate through the “cup of thanksgiving”
What truth is related to the cup of thanksgiving ?
Lk 22:20 the Passover cup is his blood ! “my blood”
Without the Passover can it be the true Church ?
No the church of God must keep Passover to enable us to participate in Christ blood ! Therefore the church of God keeps the Passover an the New covenant