Book Of Life Flashcards
What should we be most joyful about?
We should be most joyful that our names “written in heaven”. Lk 10:17-20
What do the words “written in heaven” indicate
They indicate that our names must be written in the book of life
Then how can our names be written in the book of life ?
Ro 6:1-4 as we see we must be born again . When we are born again our names are written in the book of life.
How can we be born again ?
We can be born again when we believe and are baptized !
What are the blessing of those who’s names are written in the book of life ?
Isa 4:2-4 those who’s names are recorded will be called holy and they will have their sins and filth wash away
Who are those that I’ll be delivered
Only those who have their name written in the book of life can be delivered in the last day!
Then what re the characteristics of those whose name are written in the book of life?
Php 4:2-3
Those who have tier name written in the book if life lead many Tom righteousness they are gospel workers !
What about those who do no have their name written in the book of life
Rev 20:12-15
We see very clearly that those who do not have their name written in the book of life will Be thrown into the lake of fire!
So why were those whose name was written in the book of life thrown into the lake of fire.
Rev 13:8
Those who do not have their names written in the book of life worship the beast
Who is the beast whom those who do not have their names rotten in the book of life worship
The beast is the devil.
Once our names are written in the book of life will they remain forever ?
According to our faith the can remain or be blotted out.
In what cases I’ll our names be blotted out
Ps 69:26-28
Why is the names blotted out “erased”
Because they do wrong they continue to do wrong in that case they will be blotted out !
If we do not stand firm on faith our names can be blotted out ! But if we overcome our names will not be blotted out
Rev 3:5 he will never blot out the names of those who overcome !
Then we should not only be happy that are names are written in the book of life but make them shine forever ! But how
By preaching the gospel .
Does the book of life only exist in heaven
Mt 16:19
Whatever we bound in earth will be bound in heaven and what ever we lose on earth will be loosed in heaven ! We should truly be baptized receive salvation have our names written in the book of life and preach so that our names can shine forever!
Where is the Book of life?
Only at the church of God is the book of life ! So the church that. Doesn’t have the book of life if not th true church but false ! Let receive salvation in the true church and be saved the church of God and lead many to righteousness so that our names may shine even more and more