Church As The Body Of Christ : The Importsnce Of Charoty For Catholics Flashcards
As members of the Body of Christ Christians follow Jesus” command
“Love your neighbour as yourself “
What is SVP
An international catholic charity that works locally.
SVP have members
All over the world
SVP main aim
Is tomoffer friendhsip and practicial help to people in need in the local area.
SVP members visit
People in need in their homes or in hospitals, care homes and prisons.They offer support, friendship and advice to people who are vulnersble.
SVP also help individuals
With practical needs such as helping with the shopping and other household chores
SVP run slightly bigger
Projects to help the local community.For example might run summer camps for children or provide food for fhe homeless
What is CAFOD
An official charity for the Catholic Church
Main aim of CAFOD
Ro help people living in poverty to become more self reliant by working nationally and globally
CAFOD provides emergency
Aid in places overseas where natural disasters or war have ruined lives.Help victims of these disasters to rebuild their lives by providing long term aid.
CAFOD challenges
National and international laws and policies that hurt those in living in poverty
Example of CAFOD challenging laws
Campaign against policies that lead to inequality
CAFOD provides legal
Assistance to people who are being threatened by the actions of national or intenstional campaigns