Chronic Pelvic Pain Flashcards
What is chronic pelvic pain?
The symptom of intermittent or chronic pelvic pain the lower abdomen or pelvis, of at least 6 months duration and not associated with pregnancy
What is the prevalence of CPP in women aged 15-73?
What are the gynaecological causes of chronic pelvic pain?
- Adenomyosis
- Endometriosis
- Adhesions
- Pelvic venous congestion
What disorders caused by adhesions exist that cause chronic pelvic pain?
- Trapped ovary syndrome
- Ovarian remnant syndrome
What happens in trapped ovary syndrome?
After hysterectomy the ovary becomes trapped within dense adhesions at the pelvic side wall
What happens in ovarian remnant syndrome?
A small piece of ovarian tissue, not removed during oophorectomy, becomes embedded within adhesions
What are the features of the pain caused by pelvic venous congestion?
- Worst premenstrually and after prolonged periods of standing and walking
- Dyspareunia often also present
What are the gastrointestinal causes of chronic pelvic pain?
- Constipation
- Hernia
What are the urological causes of chronic pelvic pain?
- Interstitial cystitis
- Urethral syndrome
- Calculi
What are the MSK causes of chronic pelvic pain?
- Fibromyalgia
- Trigger points
What are the neurological causes of chronic pelvic pain?
- Nerve entrapment
- Neuropathic pain
What questions need to be asked in the history in chronic pelvic pain?
As for pelvic pain, but also including;
- Detailed history of pain
- Sexual history and future fertility wishes
- Patients beliefs, wishes, and concerns about the pain
What needs to be included in a detailed history about the pain in chronic pelvic pain?
- Events surrounding its onset
- Site
- Nature
- Radiation
- Time course
- Exacerbating and relieving factors
- Cyclicity
What examinations may be done in chronic pelvic pain?
- Abdominal
- Internal
- Rectal
What should be looked for on abdominal examination in chronic pelvic pain?
As for acute pelvic pain, but also altered sensation and trigger points