Acute Pelvic Pain Flashcards
What is acute pelvic pain in a woman of reproductive age with a positive pregnancy test, until proven otherwise?
Ectopic pregnancy
What questions need to be asked in acute pelvic pain history?
- Contraception
- Recent unprotected sexual intercourse
- Risk factors for ectopic preg
- Vaginal discharge/bleeding
- Bowel symptoms
- Urinary symptoms
What needs to be checked on examination in acute pelvic pain?
- Haemodynamically stable?
- Abdomen
- Pelvic
Why do you need to check a patient with acute pelvic pain is haemodynamically stable?
Risk of bleeding from ectopic
What needs to be checked on abdominal examination in acute pelvic pain?
- Acute abdomen?
- Masses
What needs to be checked on pelvic examination in acute pelvic pain?
- Discharge
- Cervical excitation
- Adnexal tenderness
- Masses present?
What investigations may be done in acute pelvic pain?
- Urinary/serum hCG
- Triple swabs
- FBC, G&S, and CRP
- Pelvic USS
- Abdominal x-ray, CT, or MRI as appropriate
- Diagnostic laparoscopy
What is involved in the immediate management of acute pelvic pain?
- Resuscitate if necessary
- Analgesia
- Specific treatment will depend on cause of pain
What are the gynaecological causes of acute pelvic pain?
- Early pregnancy complications
- Ovarian cyst accident
- Adnexal pathology
- Mittelschmerz
- Pregnancy complications
- Primary dysmenorrhoea
- Haematometra/haematocolpos
- Acute exacerbation of chronic pain
What early pregnancy complications can cause acute pelvic pain?
- Ectopic pregnancy
- Miscarriage
- Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome
What ovarian cyst accidents can cause acute pelvic pain?
- Torsion
- Haemorrhage
- Rupture
What adnexal pathology can cause acute pelvic pain?
- Torsion of fallopian tube/parafimbral cyst
- Salpingo-ovarain asbcess
What is mittelschmerz?
One sided, lower abdominal pain associated with ovulation
What pregnancy complications can cause acute abdominal pain?
- Fibroid degeneration
- Ovarian cyst accident
- Ligament stretch
What is haematometra?
Retention of blood in uterus