Chronic Hepatitis لغايه Chirosis Flashcards
What is the definition of Chronic Hepatitis?
Chronic continuing inflammatory disease of the liver for more than 6 months which may progress to more severe disease (Cirrhosis), subside with or without treatment, or continue unchanged.
What are the common causes of Chronic Hepatitis?
- Infections: HBV, HCV, HDV
- Autoimmune chronic hepatitis (common in females)
- Iatrogenic: Drug induced (INH, Rifampicin, NSAIDs, MTX, Herbal medicines)
- Inborn errors of Metabolism: Wilson’s disease, cystic fibrosis, alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency
- Idiopathic: Neonatal liver disease
- Inherited disorders: Alagille syndrome, PFIC
- Others: EHBA, Budd Chiari syndrome, Cholangitis
- Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
What is the most common cause of Chronic Hepatitis in developed countries?
Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.
What are the clinical presentations of Chronic Hepatitis?
- Asymptomatic: Accidentally diagnosed
- Acute hepatitis with failure of recovery for more than 6 months
- Firm Hepatomegaly or Hepatosplenomegaly
What are the manifestations of chronic liver cell failure?
- General: Anorexia, weight loss, jaundice, ascites
- Bleeding or esophageal varices (hematemesis), palmar erythema, spider naevi
- Hepatic encephalopathy: precipitated by infections or bleeding
True or False: Chronic Hepatitis can only progress to cirrhosis.
Fill in the blank: Chronic Hepatitis is defined as an inflammatory disease of the liver lasting for more than _______.
6 months.
What are the corneal findings associated with Wilson’s disease?
Kayser-Fleischer ring.
What are common symptoms in autoimmune hepatitis?
Skin rash, arthritis, nephritis, and hemolytic anemia.
What gastrointestinal manifestations can occur in Ulcerative colitis (IBD)?
- Bleeding per rectum
- Diarrhea
What are the possible outcomes of Chronic Hepatitis?
- Progress to cirrhosis
- Continue unchanged
- Subside with or without treatment
Which viruses are associated with Chronic Hepatitis?
Identify the non-infectious cause of Chronic Hepatitis that is common in females.
Autoimmune chronic hepatitis.
What is the incidence of Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease?
Most common cause in developed countries.
What is a major complication of cirrhosis?
Hepatic carcinoma
Especially with HBV & HCV infections
What are common complications associated with portal hypertension?
Varices & Ascites
What is end-stage liver cell failure characterized by?
What are liver function tests usually indicative of?
Abnormal results
What does a liver biopsy assess?
Bridging fibrosis (porto-portal / portal-central areas)
What imaging technique assesses liver size, spleen size, and ascites?
Abdominal ultrasound
What does Doppler ultrasound evaluate in hepatology?
Portal vein patency & flow
What procedure may be needed to detect associated varices?
What is the purpose of ascitic fluid tapping?
To analyze the fluid for diagnostic purposes
What serological marker indicates viral hepatitis?
Persistent positive HBSAg
In Wilson disease, what is typically low in serum?
What test is used to detect auto-immune hepatitis?
Positive autoantibodies (ANA, ASMA) & Hypergammaglobulinemia
What is the purpose of the Alpha 1 anti-trypsin assay?
To assess for Alpha 1 anti-trypsin deficiency
What is Fibroscan used for?
To assess liver stiffness and fibrosis
What is the role of anti-viral drugs in viral hepatitis treatment?
To treat chronic HBV & HCV infections
What immunosuppressants are used in auto-immune hepatitis?
Prednisolone, azathioprine
What agents are used for copper chelation in Wilson disease?
What dietary changes are recommended to reduce ammonia levels?
Reduce protein intake
What medications are used to decrease ammonia production?
Neomycin and Lactulose (oral or enema)
What are common treatments for fluid retention and ascites?
Fluid restriction, diuretics, Paracentesis
What type of nutritional support is recommended for liver disease patients?
CHO rich diet, Vitamins & Medium chain triglycerides
What is the survival rate for liver transplantation in end-stage liver disease?
70 - 90 %
Fill in the blank: In end-stage liver disease, liver transplantation started in _______.
Egypt in 2001
Mentio dx caused by herbs
Chronic hepatitis
Mention complications pf chrponic hepatitis
Mention complications pf chrponic hepatitis
How to detect fibrosis in chronic hepatitis
Liver biopsy
Hepatic elastography
Why we give salt free albumin in controlling ascites
Bec salt will cause hyper volumia that causes heart failure and also overfill theory that will cause rebound ascites
What type of genetic disorder is Alpha 1 Antitrypsin Deficiency?
Autosomal recessive (AR) disorder
What gene is mutated in Alpha 1 Antitrypsin Deficiency?
Protease inhibitors (Pi) gene
Where is Alpha-1 Antitrypsin synthesized and secreted?
What is the primary function of Alpha-1 Antitrypsin?
Inhibitor of trypsin and other proteases
What is the major target organ affected by Alpha 1 Antitrypsin Deficiency?
What lung condition can result from Alpha 1 Antitrypsin Deficiency?
What occurs due to the accumulation of abnormal Alpha 1 Antitrypsin in hepatocytes?
Damage to hepatocytes
True or False: Alpha-1 Antitrypsin protects the lungs from neutrophil elastase.