Chronic Diseases Flashcards
Acute illnesses
- rapid onset
- short duration
chronic illness
EXAMPLE: cystic fibrosis, diabetes, renal failure
- presence of 2 or more chronic illnesses in a person
a “complex” patient
- polypharmacy / multiple treatments
- psychological strain/stress
- functional decline
- more frequent and longer hospitilizations
What contributes to chronic illnesses
Social Determinate of Health
- health services
- employment /working conditions
- education and literacy
- physical environments
- social support networks
- personal health practices and coping skills
- social environments
- health child development
- biology and genetic endowment
- culture
- finacial and social status
- gender
psychosocial dimensions of illness
- quality of life
- illness behaviour
- self efficacy
- hardiness and resilience
- mood disorders
- fatigue and discomfort
- stigma
how can a nurse support a person in developing their self efficacy
- self confidence
- requires a patient centered approach
- outcome expectancy
- mastery
- vicarious experience
- verbal persuasion
- influenced by physical and mental weel being and stress
Quality of life in chronic illness
- bodily intergrity
- feeling safe
- feeling self worth
- having structure
- sense of belonging
- social participation
- meaningful daily activities
- inner contentment
ideal outcome for chronic illness
self management
barriers to self management
- progression of illness beyond their control
- low social economic status
- marginalized people
- limited health literacy
- finacial constraints
- persistent depressive symptoms
- debilitating fatigue
Shifting perspectives Model of Chronic Illness
Illness in the Foreground
- sickness, suffering, loss destruction, burden, feeling overwhelmed
- the illness is real
Shifting from illness to wellness
- symptoms subside
- increased energy
- bouncing back, renewed hope, optimism, reframing the situation, activating resources
Wellness in the Foreground
- health, quality of life, meaningful changes, self identity. knowledge sharing
- the illness will not define me
Shifting from wellness to illness
- disease progresses, control is threatened
- focus is more symptom management
- increased dependence on others
how can a chronic illness effect caregivers
- caregiver burden
- physical emotional, and financial costs
- challenges in self care
- increased risk of HTN and CV disease
- not always a negative experience