Chronic Diarrhoea Flashcards
A 59 year old woman presents with six-week history of diarrhoea. What is your management plan?
Impression Chronic diarrhoea (given >3 per day, >4 weeks sx), could be due to a number of underlying pathologies.
Provisionally, consider autoimmune causes such as IBD (crohns, UC),
- malabsorptive (coeliac disease, pancreatic insufficiency). Common causes include IBS, medication adverse effect. Others to rule out include chronic infection (C. Diff, parasite - Giardia lamblia), diverticulitis. Rule out malignancy, strictures (structural changes to bowel)
Chronic diarrhoea - History
- sx: nature of diarrhoea, bloody, mucus, Malena, weight loss, fevers, night sweats, constipation alternating with diarrhoea (faecal impaction, IBS), incontinence, relief post-voiding
- HPI: duration, number per day, night time sx (less likely functional cause), travel history
- PMHx: radiation, recent cholecystectomy
- Meds: ABX (c.diff), supplements, laxatives, unprescribed
- Psychosocial, dietary hx, sick contacts, travel
Chronic diarrhoea - Examination
- general observation, vitals
- Thyroid examination (hypothyroidism)
- Gastrointestinal examination: tenderness, bowel sounds, organomegaly, masses, PR exam (assess sphincter strength)
- systemic: skin rashes (extra-GI manifestations of IBD), lymphadenopathy,
Chronic diarrhoea - Investigations
- Key/diagnostic: endoscopy +/- biopsy
- bedside: vitals, PR, urine sample, stool sample - MCS + OCP + faecal calprotectin
- bloods: FBC, UEC, LFT, Lipase, CRP/ESR, coeliac serology, ANCA/ASCA, nutritional screening
- imaging: abdo ultrasound, CT abdo oral/IV contrast, MRI abdo
- other: endoscopy, FOBT?
Chronic diarrhoea - Management
- Investigate for and rule-out underlying pathology
- increase fibre in diet
- consider medication: loperamide (opioid agonist targeting opioid receptors in GIT to reduce gastric motility) or cholestyramine (anticholinergic)
- fluid replacement, electrolyte replacement
- IBD: induction and maintenance therapy
- Coeliac: gluten free diet
- Infective: empirical and targeted Abx
- Malignancy: MDT and specific treatments
- gastro consult
- gen surg if structural