Abdominal pain without peritonism Flashcards
A 57 year old man presents with abdominal pain. There are no signs of abdominal rebound tenderness or guarding. What are possible diagnoses and which investigations may be helpful?
The lack of rebound tenderness of guarding on abdo examination rules out peritonism, and thereby makes serious causes of this presentation less likely (‘acute abdomen’). It would be necessary to keep a wide range of differentials in mind when assessing this patient
Abdo pain - Differentials
GIT: gastro, PUD, pancreatitis, SBO/LBO, biliary colic, cholecystitis, cholangitis, hernia (complicated) hepatitis, volvulus, diverticulitis, malignancy, abscess, IBD
Cardio: inferior STEMI, AAA
Resp: pneumonia, PE
Gynae: ovarian torsion, PID, TOA, ectopic, etc
Genitourinary: renal colic, UTI, testicular torsion, etc
Psychiatric: factitious/malingering, somatic illness disorder
Abdo pain - History
- sx: Pain - SOCRATES (flesh this out), bowel/urinary changes, infective sx
- REDS: weight loss, night sweats.
- RISKS: previous abdo surgery, IVDU/sex practices, immunisations,
Abdo pain - Examination
- General appearance + vitals
- Abdo exam: tenderness, shifting dullness, rebound, guarding,
- systems review
- other relevant
Abdo pain - Investigations
- Resp: CXR, other chest imaging
- Cardiac: ECG, trops, BNP, coronary angiography
- Genitourinary: CT KUB, urinalysis +/- MCS
- PUD: H.pylori breath test, upper endoscopy + biopsy
- Gastro: stool sample MCS + PCR, FBC, blood cultures
- Hepatitis: viral serology, LFTs
- SBO/LBO: CT Abdo (oral + portal contrast): transition point,
- IBD: Colonoscopy, biopsy, CT abdo
- Pancreatitis: lipase, CT abdo
- Appendicitis: abdo US, FBC,
- Cholangitis/etc: MRCP, ERCP, LFTs, FBC, blood cultures