Chronic Diarrhea Flashcards
Recipe for homemade ORS
half a teaspoon of salt
• six level teaspoons of sugar
• 1 litre of water
Formula for Estimated
Ideal Weight for Age
1-6 yo
Age 1-6
Wt in kg = age in yrs x 8 +2
Wt in kg= age in yrs x 7–5
` 2
Sample: 7 yo
• Wt= (7 x 7) – 5 = 22kg
Definition of Chronic Diarrhea
Diarrheal episode that lasts for >14 days
As stool leaves the colon, fecal osmolality
is equal to the serum osmolality
how to estimate stool osmolality?
The stool osmolality may be estimated by
using the formula: (stool Na + stool K) × 2
(multiplied by 2 to account for the anions)
Osmotic vs. Secretory
- • 290 mosm/kg
- -2(actual stool Na +
- stool K) >100
- • An “Osmotic” gap
- • Stool with low
- electrolytes
- • Cause of diarrhea:
- indigestible solutes (lactose, sucrose or fructose)
- 290 Osm/kg - 2(actual
- stool Na + stool K) <100
- • A stool rich in electrolytes
- • Cause of diarrhea:
- actively secreted
- electrolytes by crypt
- cells
Sudan red stain: neutral fat - a sign of
maldigestion (pancreatic insufficiency,
including cystic fibrosis)
visualized fat after acid hydrolysis of the
stool (split fat) :
malabsorption (celiac
What indicates the presence of reducing CHOH ( CHOH malabsorption)
A pH <5 or the presence of moderate
reducing substances indicates the
presence of reducing carbohydrates
Hemoccult testing: evaluate for occult
• A positive test indicates
indicates intestinal mucosal
damage, which may be caused by
gastrointestinal infection, protein
intolerance or inflammatory bowel disease.
Fat globules in the stool may be
**normal or abnormal **in the first few months of life.
• In an older child, the presence of fat
globules suggests
Other Laboratory Evaluation
hydrogen breath test for