chronic Degenerative valve disease Flashcards
valve disease
myxomatous valve diseasee
mitral valve disease
most common canine heart disease
breed predisposition
rare in cats
what is degenerative valve disease?
unknown etiology
abnormally thickening
develop nodules
cannot form tight seal
leading to blood regurgitation
what happens histologically?
collagen is lost
replaced by protoglycans
pathophysiology of mitral regurgitation
decreased forward LV stroke volume
diminished tissue perfusion
tissue perfusion maintained by increasing HR, stroke volume and vasoconstriction.
increased left atrial pressures
how can total stroke volume increased in mitral regurgitation
increasing contractility
increasing blood volume (renal retention of salt and water)
what is the mediator behind renal retention of sodium and water?
angiotensin 2
leads to release of aldosterone
how is the left atrium affected by mitral regurgitation?
increased pressures
LV volume overload
mitral regurgitation
left atrial chamber dilation
impedes pulmonary venous drainage __>increased capillary hydrostatic pressure and pulmonary edema
atrial myocardial necrosis and fibrosis
atrial perforation
how does mitral regurgitation promote atrial fibrillation?
increased sympathetic signaling
results in atrial dilation and fibrosis
how is ventricular contractility affected by mitral regurgitation in small dog breeds? large dog breeds?
small dogs: preservation of contractility, pure volume overload
large breeds: diminished contractility, systolic dysfunction contributes to volume overload, DDx: DCM
middle age to older dogs
smaller breed dogs
breeds: Cavalier, Dachshunds, Mini and toy poodles, whippets, terriers
1 in 7 dogs
Clinical signs
systolic murmurs with its point of maximal intensity over left apex-radiates craniodorsal on L side
systolic click-high frequency, heard midsystole
left sided CHF
coughing, restlessness, tachypnea, dyspnea, reduced exercise tolerance, weight loss, inappetance
synocope (associated with coughing)
bronchovesicular sounds
if dysnpic, crackles and wheezes will be heard
what is the click sound?
mid systole
caused by mitral valve prolapse associated with elongation and/or tearing of chordae with DVD
transient and replaced by murmur
mechanisms for cough syncope
acutely increased intrathoracic and intra-abdominal pressure associated with couging –>venous compression, decreased venous return, decreased cardiac output
acutely increased intrathoracic and intra-abdominal venous pressure associated with coughing is transmitted to spinal and intracranial veins–>acute increase in intracranial presure–>decreased cerebral perfusion
what dx tests can be used to differentiate mitral insufficency from pulmonary disease?
thoracic rads
therapeutic trial of diuretics