Chronic adaptations Flashcards
Chronic adaptaions
Long term physiological change that occurs as a result of training
can be structural (changes to the structure of the heart, blood vessels, lungs and muscles) or functional (changes to how the heart, blood vessels, lungs and muscles work)
are specific to the type of training completed
leads to improved performance.
Aerobic chronic adaptations
minimum period for chronic adaptations to occur with aerobic (endrance) is 6 weeks.
usually developed to bring more o2 into the body
developed thru continuous fartlek long interval and HIIT training sessions
they can also be developed through circuit and resistance training
chronic aerobic adaptaions result in an increased ability of the athlete to produce ATP aerobically or an improved economy
What does O2 delievery depend on?
- ability of lungs to ventilate large volumes of O2
- ability of the blood to exchangeo2 at the luns (transported by haemoglobin in red blood cells)
-ability of the heart to pump large volumes of blood to muscles (Q=HRxSV)
-ability of muscles to use O2 to breakdown fuels to produce ATP (occurs in mitochondria and requires oxidative and glycolytic enzymes)
Vital Capacity
Maximum amount of air a person can expel from the lungs after maximum inhalation. Gets rid of waste like CO2
Ventilation and adaptations
Amount of air breathed in per min
-ventilation at rest- decreases due to increased efficiency
- ventilation at sub-max= decreased due to increased efficiency
- increases at max exercises increasing the supply of oxygen avaliable and therefore ability to work aerobically
Pulmonary diffusion
The movement of oxygen from the alveoli into the capillaries and that of caarbon dioxide from the capillaries into the alveolie to be expelled is known as pumonary diffusion.
Aerobic training brings increases in lung volumes and capillary density around the alveoli, therefore a greater surface area providing more opportunity for diffusion.
Results in more efficient transport of O2 to the working muscles.
Oxygen consumption
Is the volume of oxygen taken up and utilised by the body per minute per kilogram of body weight.
Oxygen consumption at rest and during sub max generally remains unchanged or DECREASES slightly due to an increase in exercise economy.
VO2 max increases substantially following aerobic training due to improved O2 delievery to working muscles.
It is as a result of adaptaions to:
- stroke volume
-heart rate
- A-VO2 difference
an increase of 15 - 20% in VO2 is typical for a sedentary individual who trains at 50% to 85% of VO2 max 3-5 times per week/20min for 6 months
cardiac hypertrophy
The heart is similar to other muscles in that it will experience hypertrophy as a result of aerobic training. Typically there will be an increase in the size and volume of the left ventricular cavity and a slight thickening of the ventricular walls (more anaerobic). This leads to an increase in stroke volume and delievery to oxygen in the working muscles.
Increased capillarisation of heart muscles
Increased capillary density of cardiac tissue improves blood flow to the heart itself.
The heart maintains a very high level of o2 extraction so that 70-80 of the arterially delivered o2 is extracted, compared with 30-50% in skeletal muscles. o2 delievered to the heart is essentially used for contraction
Heart rate
Influence of serobic training on heart rate:
- lower resting heart rate
-lower heart rate response at sub max
- no real change at maximal
- slower heart rate increase during exerice
- lower and faster steady state
-decreased recovery heart rate following sub max exercise
- decreased recovery heart rate following maximal exercise.
changes are related to:
increase stroke volume
adjustments to the control mechanisms of the heart.
improved efficiency of the heart means that it works less to supply the same amount of blood to the body at rest and during exercise.
Stroke volume
Stroke Volume is the volume of blood ejected from a ventricle at each beat of the heart.
increase SV is most pronounced in endurance athletes.
Stroke volume increases at ALL intensities
attributed to:
-increased ventricular cavity size
-increased myocardial contractility
will lead to more oxygenated blood being delievered to working muscles
Cardiac output
Is the volume of blood pumped by the heart per minute
Cardiac output= SV x HR
Following aerobic training:
-Q at rest is unchanged or has a slight decrease
- Q at sub is unchanged
Q at maximal is increased
Blood pressure
Systolic pressure- preseure on the aerteries following contraction of ventricle as blood is pumped out of the heart
Diastolic pressure- pressure in the arteries when the heart relaxes and the ventricles fill with blood
Aerobic training influences the following chronic adaptations:
- bp is decreased at rest
bp at sub max is decreased
bp at max is unchanged
Improved vasodilation of blood vessels, less peripheral resistance
decreased concentrations of total cholesterol
reduced insulin resistance and insulin levels significant contributing factors to the development of hypertension.
Blood vessels
Aerobic training increases the size of the blood vessels by transporting O2 to the heart
results in improved blood flow to the heart and therefore improved oxygen supply to the heart
Aerobic training also increases capillarisation at the skeletal muscles
increased no. of capillaries that surround skeletal muscles
- greaer in slow twitch muscle fibres
- enhances supply of O2 and other nutrients
-improves removal of waste products.
Increased plasma and haemoglobin
Increased total blood volume
increased RBC count
improves oxyggen carrying capacity of the blood and is closely correlated with increase in Vo2 max
increased blood volume also assists temperature control during exercise particularly in hot temperatures as deep body heat is caried to the periphery where it can be dissipated