Chroncity (Exam 1) Flashcards
What does the Chronic Care model provide?
The framework to guide health care delivery for patients living with chronic illnesses
What are the SIX essential elements of the Chronic Care model? Examples?
Health Systems
Delivery system design
Decision support
Clinical information systems (CIS)
Self-management support
How would a chronic health condition be defined?
Hint: 4 things
Medical condition
Existed for at least 1 year
Requires ongoing medical attention
Limits ADLs
What are some examples of chronic illnesses?
Stroke, Diabetes, Asthma, Cancer, Coronary artery disease (CAD), COPD, etc.
What are some risk factors of chronic illnesses that can be modified?
Smoking, exposure to second-hand smoke, poor nutrition, excessive alcohol use
How does chronic illnesses impact a child/adolescent life?
Chronically ill children often experience depression and anxiety in adulthood (if coping skills or education is not developed/provided)
What should the nurse do to help a child with a chronic illness?
Assess their mental health
Work w/ schools to establish an individualized learning plan
Flexibility is needed with these patients
Social engagement w/ other children is ESSENTIAL for cont. growth and development
The entire family should be included in treatment plan (family-centered approach)
What is the goal when treating an older adult with a chronic illness?
Hint: 3 things
GOAL: controlling symptoms, maintaining comfort, and preventing a crisis
What is the DESIRED outcome of rehabilitation?
The patient will return to their baseline or highest level of function
Factors involved in Chronicity
Age (over 65)
Access (to healthcare and preventative screenings
Self-care (lack of exercise, exposure to toxic elements within the environment)
Poverty (low socioeconomics affects every aspect of life)
Genetics (genetic counseling and screenings; family hx)
Lifestyle (poor nutrition intake, smoking, alcohol use)
Multiple co-morbities
What are the psychosocial needs of patients living with chronic illnesses?
Their emotional response
How do they coping? Are they coping?
What are some of the mental health issues patient can face with chronic illnesses?
What group is at most risk for developing depression?
Depression (pts are @ a higher risk d/t their chronic illness(es)
Assessing for depression is crucial (esp for older adults and children)
Social isolation d/t embarrassment and more controllable enviroment
What are examples of Federal legislation and their influences on Adult health?
Older American Act of 1965 (which est. the Federal administration of Aging)
Americans w/ Disabilities Act of 1990 (provides protection aganist discrimination for people with disabilities)
Patient Self-determination act of 1990 (requires that clients are given written information regarding their legal options for treatment choices if they become incapacitated
What are examples of Federal legislation and their influences on Adult health?
Family & Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA) which provides provides job protection and continuous health benefits for people who need extended leave of work d/t their illnesses
Person Reponsibility & Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (reformed act which focused on welfare)
Health Care & Education Reconciliation Act of 2010 (expanded the health care market- specifically insurance-setting out of pocket expenses)
Patient Protection & Affordable Care Act of 2010 (expaned medicare/mediaid
What the implications for Nursing?
Assessing (prevention of chronic diseases)
Promoting adherence which depends on (the # & type of chronic illnesses)