Chromosomes and Cytogenetic Abnormalities Flashcards
Which histone proteins exist within the octameric core?
[2 of each type]
What is the function of the histone H1?
holds the octameric core together and the core DNA wrapped around it
What length is the linker DNA on average?
~ 20bp
=> DNA between 2 nucleosome
How many turns of DNA are there per nucleosome?
2 turns of DNA within one nucleosome/octameric core
What are the different types of chromosomes?
22 autosome pairs + 1 pair sex chromosomes
p and q arms even length
centrally located centromere
chr 1-3, 16-18
p arm < q arm length
centromere is slightly off centre
chr 4-12, 19-20, X
long q arm, small p arm
p contains no unique DNA
chr 13-15, 21-22, Y
What is polyploidy?
multiple (complete) sets of chromosomes
e.g. triploidy 3n=69
not usually compatible with human life (would be embryonic lethal)
What is aneuploidy?
extra or missing chromosomes
extras are not present in all chromosomal pairs
e.g. trisomy 21
What are the main features of mitosis?
- cell division that occurs in somatic cells
- sister chromatids are identical
- 2 daughter cells made from each parent cell
- each daughter cell receives 1 chromatid of each chromosome
- daughter cells are identical to parent
- each chromosome behaves independently
(homologues do not interact, align as 46 separate chromosomes) - process usually takes 1-2hr
What are the main features of meiosis?
- two phases: meiosis I and II
- important to introduce natural variation
- daughter cells are genetically unique
- align as homologous pairs
- allows for chiasma (crossing over, recombination) formation
- pulls apart homologues from one another (with mix of maternal/paternal alleles)
- daughter cells have 23 chromosomes each with 2 chromatids (diploid)
- align as independent chromosomes
- sister chromatids pull apart
- daughter cells have 23 chr with 1 chromatid each (haploid)
How is natural variation introduced in meiosis?
- independent assortment of chromosomes
- recombination
What is ‘crossing over’ in meiosis?
reciprocal breaking and rejoining of homologous chromosomes
- occurs during metaphase I of meiosis I
- results in new allele combinations (between maternal and paternal homologues)
- resulting haplotypes: recombinants
- original haplotypes: non-recombinants
What are the broad types of chromosomal changes?
- numerical
- structural
What are the types of numerical chromosomal abnormality?
T13: Patau syndrome
T18: Edward syndrome
T21: Down syndrome
SEX CHR ANEUPLOIDY 47 XXY: Klinefelter's syndrome 45 XO: Turner's syndrome 47 XYY: XYY syndrome (over-represented in violent male community - dubious study) 47 XXX: Triple X syndrome
Aneuploidy in what type of chromosome is more severe?
Autosomal aneuploidies much more severe than those in sex chr
sex chr aneuploidies therefore have a higher prevalence in the general population
What is non-disjunction?
failure of chromosomes (meiosis I) or chromatids (meiosis II) to separate
What is disomic non-disjunction?
in meiosis I
when both chromatids (from one chr) get sorted into the same daughter cell
In what cell types is non-disjunction more commonly seen?
female gametes
Is chromosomal monoploidy compatible with life?
sex chr monoploidy = Turners syndrome (45XO)
autosomal monoploidy: lethal
likely premature embryonic lethality
How are aneuploidies visualised?
- G-banding (karyotype analysis)
What is the procedure for G-banding?
- dividing cells must be in metaphase
- controlled partial digestion of chromosomes with trypsin
- stain with Giemsa
- produced alternating light (GC-rich) and dark (AT-rich) bands
- binding pattern: allows chr ID
How does G-banding stain the chromosomes?
patterns such that heterochromatin stains as dark bands whilst euchromatin is paler
What is Giemsa?
DNA binding chemical dye
used in G-banding
to stain partially digested chromosomes
Why must cells be in metaphase for G-banding?
chromosomes are in their most condensed form
therefore most easily visualised
Why is the nature of euchromatin? (context of karyotyping)
loosely packed
actively transcribed genes
Why is the nature of heterochromatin? (context of karyotyping)
densely packed
genes are inactive/repressed
What are the disadvantages of G-banding?
subtle chromosomal abnormalities cannot be distinguished
takes several days (need to culture cells first)
What abnormalities can G-banding identify?
very large deletions
What is FISH?
= fluorescence in situ hybridisation
- requires fluorescent probe complimentary to desired DNA sequence
- probe hybridises to metaphase spread of chr
- excite probe with UV to visualise chosen locus
How is FISH used clinically?
often used to detect T21 and T13 simultaneously
(Down and Patau)
presence of 3 separate fluorescent probes for either locus will confirm trisomy
What is QF-PCR?
= quantitative fluorescent PCR
uses known microsatellites on chromosomes (CNVs) to identify abnormalities such as trisomy (should be 2 copies of each microsatellite usually, so if this is disturbed then suggests abnormality)
QF-PCR currently only used as part of national screening programmes
uses extracted DNA
takes ~48h
What are microsatellites?
di-, tri-, tetra-nucleotide sequence with variable number of repeats
number of repeats varies between individuals
total length of microsatellite sequence varies between individuals
What do the readouts for QF-PCR look like?
For microsatellite:
HOMOZYGOUS DISOMY: single peak of high intensity signal
HETEROZYGOUS DISOMY: two peaks of similar (lower) intensity signal
TRISOMY: 3 peaks of low signal or more likely 2 peaks (one of high signal and one of low signal)
What are the genetic abnormalities underlying T21?
usually much milder features, since this occurs post-zygotically due to mitotic non-disjunction
What happens to monosomic cells produced from post-zygotic mitotic non-disjunction?
they will be destroyed (apoptosis)
autosomal monosomy not compatible with life
What is mosaicism?
presence of 2 or more genetically different cell lines derived from a single oocyte
usually arises from non-disjunction in mitosis (occurs post-zygotically)
What is the clinical relevance of mosaicism?
- phenotypes are generally less severe
- can be difficult to assess (which tissues are affected, how many different genotypes are there)
Klinefelters (15%)
Downs (~2%)
Turners (<25%)
What is the genetic pathophysiology of the majority of Turners syndrome cases?
partial monosomy/micro-deletion syndrome
(= one full copy of X chr and one missing a chunk)
(rather than occurring via non-disjunction)
How does Turners syndrome arise?
= 45 X- (45XO)
nullisomic gametes fertilised with sperm carrying an X chr
nullisomic gametes fertilised with a sperm carrying a Y chromosome
this is LETHAL
What are the different types of chromosomal translocations?
between two non-homologous chromosomes
between any two acrocentric chromosomes
What is the prevalence of chromosomal translocations?
~ 1:500
carriers of balanced translocations are generally ok
BUT can produced unbalanced gametes
Where are gene repair genes located?
chromsome 2
What are balanced translocations?
have the correct number of each (region of each) chromosome
just maybe mot in the expected place
What are unbalanced translocations?
too much or too little of a particular chromosome
Where do clinical issues arise with translocations?
clinical problem arises for children of balanced translocation carriers
can produce unbalanced gametes through the process of meiosis
What is the Robertsonian translocation?
when two acrocentric chromosomes break at or near their centromeres
fragments are then joined together again to make 1 metacentric chr (loss of 1 chr entity)
its possible for just the 2 sets of long arms to be brought together and there’s loss of satellites
What happens to the cell when there’s a Robertsonian translocation?
there will be 45 chromosomes (instead of 46)
have only lost microsatellites, so not really a problem for the cell
will only affect acrocentric chromosomes
Which chromosomes are commonly affected by Robertsonian translocation?
chr 13/14 (33% of all RobTr)
Which chromosomes are acrocentric?
[small stubby p arms]
chr 13, 13, 15, 21, 22
When do Robertsonian translocation become a (clinical) problem?
in gamete formation
because chromosomes can’t segregate properly
most abnormal combinations will be lethal
What are the clinical outcomes of translocations?
- v. difficult to predict
- some unbalanced outcomes may lead to spontaneous abortion (v. early)
- other unbalanced outcomes may lead to miscarriage later and present clinically
- some may result in a live-born baby with various problems
What are the other type of structural chromosomal abnormalities?
terminal (loss of telomere, will result in cell death)
can all be detected with G-banding and FISH
What is the nature of chromosomal deletions?
~ 1:7000 live births
- may be interstitial or terminal
- can cause monosomic region
- gross deletions will be detected on G-banding spread
What are the outcomes when a chromosomal deletion causes a monosomic region?
- Haploinsufficiency of some genes
- monosomic region may carry distinct phenotypes
- phenotype will be specific and proportional to the size anyplace of deletion
What is an example of a gross chromosomal deletion syndrome?
DiGeorge syndrome
22q deletion (deletion of q arm on chr 22)
can be detected with FISH
What is the Cri-du-chat structural anomaly?
= 5p minus syndrome
Sx: intellectual deficit, developmental delay, microcephaly
can be detected with G-banding and FISH
What are microdeletions?
small deletions not easily identified using standard karyotyping
=> unequal cross over in meiosis I causes loss or gain of a few genes
What is array CGH used to detect?
= array comparative genomic hybridisation
used to see microdeletions and microduplications
What is another name for ‘unequal crossing over’?
non-allelic homologous recombination
occurs in meiosis I ONLY
What are common types of microdeletion syndromes?
Why does unequal crossing over in meiosis I occur?
homologous chromosomes need to be correctly aligned in a complex in order for correct equal recombination to occur
in the unequal type: there is misalignment of the chromosomes and therefore are out of sync with each other
this means you can get deletion of one allele and gain of another allele (1 copy for A, 3 copies for B for eg)
What is the process of array CGH?
- patient and control DNA labelled with fluorescent dyes (probes)
- these are then applied to microarray
- patient and control DNA compete to hybridise to the microarray
- measure fluorescent signals
- computer software analyses output
if normal, then the control and patient DNA should behave similarly (both should be disomic for each genome region)
can calculate the dosage of patient/control DNA for each probe to assess for micro- deletion/duplication status