This class was created by Brainscape user Shahana Sengupta. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (29)

Male Reproductive Anatomy
What are the 5 structures in exte...,
What involuntary muscle is locate...,
What is the female equivalent of ...
13  cards
Sexual Differentiation and Disorders
What is sexual determination,
What is sexual differentiation,
What is the nature of sexual dete...
36  cards
HPG Axis and Puberty
What are the 3 levels of the hpg ...,
What is kisspeptin,
What is gnrh and where it is rele...
51  cards
Ethics and Adolescents
What is the gmc guidance on treat...,
What are the legal considerations...,
What is the gillick case
18  cards
What are the main stages required...,
How do germ cells enter the gonad,
What happens when pgcs enter the ...
45  cards
0  cards
Screening Theory and Communication
0  cards
Menstrual Cycle
What are the main aims of the men...,
What is the hpg axis control of t...,
Why does gnrh have a pulsatile se...
36  cards
What is the menopausal transition,
What is menopause,
What is perimenopause
27  cards
Confidence Intervals
0  cards
Female Reproductive Anatomy
0  cards
Antenatal care
What is antenatal care,
What are the main objectives of g...,
What may constitute promotion of ...
35  cards
Maternal changes
How may pregnancy precipitate mat...,
What are the main changes that oc...,
Which hormones mediate the matern...
24  cards
Implantation and Pregnancy
What is the trophoblast,
What is the chorion,
What is the amnion
48  cards
Uterine tubes and Cervix
What changes occur to the uterus ...,
What is the function of the 3 mus...,
How does the myometrium change du...
34  cards
Management of Labour
What is labour,
What is the dx of labour,
What is cervical effacement
34  cards
What factors are increased during...,
What are the 4 layers of the endo...,
What is mechanism underlying mens...
44  cards
What is puerperium,
Why is puerperium important,
What is the most common direct ca...
45  cards
Child Development
What is child development
1  cards
Chromosomes and Cytogenetic Abnormalities
Which histone proteins exist with...,
What is the function of the histo...,
What length is the linker dna on ...
61  cards
Early embryology
What system is used to stage deve...,
What structures are present in a ...,
What does the zona pellucida cont...
112  cards
Extra misc. knowledge
What factors reduce wound healing...
1  cards
Anatomy of Ageing
What changes occur to posture and...,
Why does osteoporosis occur durin...,
Why does fractured neck of femur ...
17  cards
What is ageing,
What are the 3 theories as to why...,
What is the wear and tear idea of...
15  cards
Healthcare for refugees and asylum seekers
0  cards
Elderly care in the community
0  cards
Bereavement, Loss and Grief
0  cards
Psychology of Ageing
0  cards
Clinical Trials: Measures of Benefit+Harm
0  cards

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life cycle

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