Chromosomal Disorder Flashcards
Solenoid meaning ?
Packaging of DNA = 5 nucleosome
Type of arm in chromatids?
P=short arm petite
q= long arm grande
Morphologically Classified of chromosome ?
Depending on position of centromere
✓ Metacentric – centromere near the middle
3, 16, 19, 20
✓ Acrocentric – centromere near one end
13, 14, 15, 21, 22
✓ Submetacentric – centromere between the
middle and end of
In which type of chromosome we can find telomeres ?
In which type of chromosome we can find satellites?
Which phase is accurate to take karyotype ?
What the Karyotype described?
Total number of chromosomes
• Sex chromosome makeup
• Description of any observed abnormality
What is the total number of chromosome in
(female Down syndrome)
(cri du chat syndrome)
47,XX,+21 – female down syndrome
46,xx,del(5p) – female with a deletion of the short arm of chromosome 5 (cri du chat syndrome)
From where we can make Chromos Chromosome Analysis
Any tissue with living nucleated cells that undergo
division can be used.
• Lymphocytes from peripheral blood conveniently
amniotic fluid,
✓ chorionic villi,
✓ bone marrow e
Way of Preparation of a Karyotype
1- 5 ml venous blood 2-phytohemagglutinin 3- culture 37 for 3 days 4 colchicine +hypotonic saline 5- cells fixed 6- spread cells on solids ..........dropping 7 digest with trypsin 8- staining giemsa 9- metaphase spread 10 karyotype
Light banding in chromosome indicate what
Most of active gene
Type of Y chromosome from morphological?
Definition of Ideogram?
standardised numbering
system is used for the bands seen in g-banding
Type of Chromosome Abnormalities
✓ Structural
Type of Numerical Abnormalities
Loss or gain of one or more chromosomes ✓ Monosomy - loss of a single chromosome, usually lethal before term e.g. 45,xx,-21; 45,x ✓ Trisomy - gain of a single chromosome ✓ Tetrasomy – gain of 2 chromosomes
Multiple of haploid number >2n in cells e.G.
The cause of Aneuploidy?
during first or second meiotic
divisions or during mitosis
Example of monosomy in meiosis
Lack of an X or a Y chromosome will result in:
45,X karyotype (Turner syndrome)
Example of Autosomal Aneuploidy
Edwards syndrome – tri18 Patau syndrome – tri13
Down syndrome – tri21
Least sever disorder of trisomy ?
Down Syndrome
Types of Down syndrome ?
✓ 95% - complete trisomy
✓ 1% - mosaicism
✓ 4% - unbalanced chromosome rearrangements
Type of polyploidy?
egg by two sperm
egg by diploid sperm
diploid egg
Not viable
Most common polyploidy is ?
Type structural chromosome abnormality?
- Translocations
- Deletions
- Insertions
- Inversions
Compare between balanced and unbalanced Rearrangement??
Balanced :
No net loss or gain of chromosomal material
harmless except if it is in an important gene
risk of producing offspring with an unbalanced
chromosome complement
Unbalanced :
Net loss or gain of chromosomal material
Clinical effects usually severe
Breaks in more than one chromosome can result in ?
1) Robertsonian translocation Unbalanced
2) Reciprocal translocation balanced
3) Insertional translocation.
What happen in Robertsonian Translocations ? Example ?
The short arms of two acrocentric chromosomes are
lost and the long arms fuse at the centromere
14 – 21 translocation is one of the more common abnormalities and may lead to trisomy 21 Causes 5% of Down syndrome
The final out come of Reciprocal Translocation
Pachytene quadrivalent in meiosis