Chromosomal abnormalities Flashcards
Screening tests available?
Combined (10-14 weeks)
Quadruple (14-20 weeks)
Risk factor common to trisomy 13, 18 and 21?
Maternal age
What is performed during the combined screening test
Scan (nuchal translucency) + bloods (PAPP-A and HCG)
Nuchal scan
The nuchal translucency is measured - the larger it is (>5mm) the higher the risk of structural defects
PAPP-A and HcG
PAPP-A (Pregnancy associated plasma protein-A):
Produced by placenta
Low levels associated with chromosomal abnormality
Initially produced by embryo, then placenta
Raised level of HCG associated with down’s
Low levels associated with Edward’s and Patau’s
How is the risk of trisomy 21 calculated?
Maternal age x risk ratio from combined screening test
Positive if >1 in 150 chance - offer diagnostic test
Other than chromosomal abnormalities what can the combined test screen for?
Structural defects - cardiac, renal, spina bifida
Sensitivity and specificity of combined test?
85% sensitive
2.2% specific (false +ve rate)
1/9 who have +ve screening result have a downs baby
Quadruple test
15% women present after 1st trimester: Offered serum testing for DOWNS ONLY - less effective than combined (80% sensitive, 4% false +ve) AFP HCG Estriol Inhibin-A
Quadruple test indicators for downs
AFP and estriol = decreased
HCG and inhibin- A = increased
Non-invasive pre-natal testing
99% detection rate
Available in private sector (becoming more common in NHS)
Placental DNA extracted from maternal blood sample
Anomoly scan
20 weeks (18-21) - offered to all women
USS scan for anencephaly, gastroschesis, Trisomy 13 etc
If abnormality is detected they are referred\
Counsel - many defects are hard to diagnose and maybe missed - esp. cardiac defects
Prenatal diagnostic tests
Performed if there is suspicion of disease:
Past obstetric Hx
+ve screening or anomaly scan
What can be detected using USS
Neural tube defect
Twin to twin transfusion syndrome
What is detected using invasive procedures (CVS or amniocentesis)
Trisomy 21
Counselling on invasive testing
- Why it is being offered
- What the test involves
- Risks
- Limitations (not all conditions are detected)
- Management options:
A. Continue - help plan delivery and emotionally
B. TOP - Complete a formal consent form
Chorion villus sampling (CVS)
10-13 weeks (usually offered after combined)
Aspiration of trophoblastic tissue –> karyotype, FISH, PCR
Guided by USS
Results within 48 hrs
Miscarriage rates = 1-2%
Benefits/disadvantages of CVS
Benefit - can TOP in 1st trimester
Disadvantage - miscarriage + risk of vertical transmission of HIV and Hep B
15+ weeks
Transabdominal aspiration of amniotic fluid
results in 3 weeks
Miscarriage rates = 0.5%
benefit and disadvantages of amniocentesis
Benefits - reduced rate of miscarriage and vertical transmission
Disadvantages - 2nd trimester and full karyotyping takes 3 weeks