chromosal disorders🐿🦕🎥 Flashcards
eg- downs syndrome, turners sy. ,
segregation failure—- of chromatids during cell div. cycle resultss
in gain or loss of chromsome
eg.- in plants
failure of cytokinesis after telophase stage of cell div. in a whole set of chrm. in an organism
AUTOSOMAL aneuploidy—– change total no. of chromosome
downs syndrome
edward syndrone
patau syndrome
cat cry syndrome
downs syn.- this causes of this
+ce of add copy of chrom.21 [ trisomy of 21 ]
downs- described by
langdon down - 1866
downs- features
- short statured, small round head
- furrowed toungue
- partially open mouth
- palm broad
- charecteristic palm crease
- physical, psychmotor n mental detard
edward syndrone
18th trisomy
13th trisomy
cat cry syndrome-
partial delete of short arm of 5 th chrm.
SEX CHROM. aneuploidy
super male// jacob
super female// multi xx female