christianity practices Flashcards
what are the different types of worship in christianity?
-liturgical worship (structured e.g. catholic mass)
-non-liturgical / informal (evangelical)
-private worship (praying at home)
what is the significance of prayer in christianity?
it helps believers communicate with god and includes set prayers (e.g. lord’s prayer) and informal prayer
what is a sacrament, and why is it important?
a sacrament is a sacred ritual that brings believers closer to god
what are different christian views on baptism?
-infant baptism (catholic, orthodox - removes original sin)
-believers’ baptism (baptist, pentecostal - personal choice)
what is the eucharist / holy communion, and why is it significant?
it commemorates jesus’ last supper, with different interpretations (catholic: transubstantiation / protestant: symbolic remembrance)
what are two contrasting examples of christian pilgrimage?
-lourdes (healing, virgin mary visions)
-iona (spiritual retreat, celtic christianity)
why are christmas and easter important in christianity?
-christmas celebrates jesus’ birth
-easter marks his resurrection reinforcing faith in salvation
how does the church help in the local community?
through food banks and street pastors, helping the poor and vulnerable
what is the role of mission, evangelism and church growth?
christians spread their faith through preaching, charity work and converting new believers
what are some ways the worldwide church promotes reconciliation?
through peace building, interfaith dialogue and conflict resolution
how do christian churches respond to persecution?
by supporting persecuted believers, raising awareness and advocating for religious freedom
what is the role of christian charities in global aid?
CAFOD, christian aid and tearfund provide emergency relief, development aid and social justice work