christianity practices Flashcards
what are some forms of worship a Christian may do
-bible readings
why may christians worship
to ask God for forgiveness and thank him for his blessings
what does worship do
it deepens relationship with God and gives comfort and strength to live a more truly Christian life
what are the types of worship
liturgical,non liturgical and private
what is liturgical worship and examples
services that follow a set pattern
-involve hymns sung
eg:eucharist in catholic , anglican and orthodox churches
what is non-lithurgical worship
-non set rituals
-Noncomformist churches
what is informal worship
people sharing thoughts when they feel Gods spirit moving towards them
what is private worship
individuals spending time with God
why is prayer /private worship important
builds up discipline
-gives Christians something to turn to in times of trouble and allows them to communicate with God
what is the Lords prayer
Gods response to his disciples when they asked him how to pray
what do christians believe must happen for prayer to be effective
a persons relationships with others must be right
what are sacraments and examples
-holy rituals that outwardly express inner spiritual experience
eg:catholic ,orthodox and protestant churches accept Holy communion and baptism
others like quakers dont use any
what do sacraments do for christians
affirm part of the church and make God a part of their life
why might people argue infant baptism necessary
as everyone descends from Adam and Eve so has a built in tendency to sin and need salvation even a baby
which denominations perform believers baptism and which do infant
believers-baptists and pentecostalists
infant-catholic and orthodox
what message does the holy communion have on Christians
as the bread is broken many are starving and reminds us to work in equality and justice just as Jesus did
why may Christians go to pilgrimage
-strengthen faith
-meet other Christians
-thank God for blessings
-experience holy place
describe Lourdes
pilgrim spot in south west france dedicated to Mary
in 1858 a young girl saw visions of Mary in a cave near the river.Mary told her to dig a spring of water which was discovered to have healing properties.Now 1000s pf pilgrims visit this cave and 67 miracles and 6000+cures have taken place
how will you see kindness in Lourdes
many sick or disabled pilgrims are accompanied by able - bodied helpers
describe Iona
in an island off the west coast of scotland St Columba who brought the religion to scotland in 6 century ad set up a small monastic community
now it is a pilgrim site dedicated to virgin Mary
what is the trussel trust and what do they do
around 420 food banks founded in 1997 who base their actions off the parable of the sheep and the goats and other christian beliefs
-they provide emergency food and support to those in crisis in the ukand provide food for almost 1 million people yearly
-they aim to combat poverty,rising prices and bring non-religious and religious people to work towards this
what is the oasis project
a community hub with an internet cafe ,job club and more
they run a food back and staff are supported by volunteers and session tutors
-used by 200 people a week
-practical support is provided to those in need (eg drug abuse/low income or domestic violence as well as spiritually)
why should Christians be involved in the local community and how
as agape is part of Christian way of life-parable of sheep and goats
-churches should respond to needs
(eg providing facilities for young people if there is lack or caring for vulnerable)
what are street pastors and where does it come from
Ascension trust a Christian Charity initiated it
-they provide reassuring presence on the streets and try to focus on drunkeness ,anti social public behaviour and crime with limits
-they listen like Jesus did and offer guidance
-school pastors do same but with drug use and bullying
what do parish nursing do
through the local church they help in times of crisis (to the nhs) and diagnose early signs of health problems
-they encourage better health and help with education and are there to listen and support
what is the great commision
Jesus instruction to his followers to spread his teachings to the world found at the end of Matthew
what is a way a christian can fulfil the great commision
-becoming missionaries which involves evangelism
what is the alpha course
helping church members understand the basics of christianity
describe the journey of CfaN
in 1974 Reinhard Bonnke made it
-believed God wanted him to be an evangelist since he was 10
hosts evangelic meetings
-over 74 million new believers
what are ways the church gets its message to people
shaing of testimonies
inviting people to Christian meetings
what church uses reconciliation as a sacrament and what is it
Jesus came to repair relation between God and people
-it is the restoring of harmony after relationships have been broken down
what is the corrymeela community
1965 founded community by ray Davey who witnessed and was affected by ww2 bombing
-it promotes reconciliation and harmony and aims to move from violence and distrust
-variety of ages and backgrounds attend
why does the bible say we experience persecution today
as if jesus was persecuted his followers should expect it too
explain the work of the barnabas fund and Christian Solidarity worldwide
Barnabas: sends financial/spiritual support to projects combatting Christian persecution
csw :human rights organisation that campaigns for religious freedom for all
-via documenting/helping oppressed /training in law of human rights
why should christians respond to world poverty
story of rich man and lazarus
rich man ends up in hell after ignoring beggars plight
parable of the good samaritan
-jesus helped those who were seen as outcasts
describe Cafod
aid agency of the catholic church in England and Wales
-promote equality as good should be in abundance for all in like manner
-increases access to clean water ,education healthcare in poor communitues
-encourages Catholic schools and parishes to help those in disadvantaged comunties
-acts alongside local communities in conflicts and disasters providing food water and shelter for those who have lost a lot and helps them rebuild
describe Christian Aid
-relief/development agency for many church denominations in England and Ireland
-founded in 1945 they aim to stop poverty
-they campaign with fairtrade foundation,stop climate chaos and more
They are part of the act which provide emergency support in areas
describe tearfund
-An evangellic alliance formed from wanting to stop 1968 famine in Nigeria and Biafra
-follow Jesus footsteps in helping vulnerable
-churches work alongside or donate to make their work possible
-free those in poverty