Christianity paper 1 pt 2 Flashcards
examples of natural evil?
volcano eruption
natural disasters
examples of moral evil?
Problem with evil?
example story
Story of Job:
-God allows Satan to set evil on Job after he was questioned
-Job commands God to explain why he is punishing him
-God tells him of all the things he has created and asks him if he could rule the world.
-There is design in place and he will not understand
-God gave Job 2x the wealth he has before
what is worship?
A way in which Christians show their deep love and respect for God
Why do Christians worship God?
- They worship God to show their gratitude to God for his omnibenevolence.
-Also because they believe he is omnipotent, so he can do all things, and answer anyone’s prayers
What is the point of worship to the Christian community?
- It brings the community together
-Bonds Christians as they show their love together.
What are the three types of worship?
-What is it? 2 Points
-They are services that follow the same set pattern.
-Preist leads the congregation in formal prayers that have set responses
Advantages (3 points)
-Very traditional, hymns music sung
-worldwide set order of service that is familiar to all
-Emphasises the authority of God
(helps Christians who feel they cannot connect to God pray)
e.g the Lord’s prayer
-Services follow same set of pattern, which feels repetitive and ungenuine
-Very formal with prayers that have set responses, you repeat what you are expected to say, not from the heart
Non liturgical (what is it?)
-Service with no set order of ritual
Non liturgical
Advantages (3 points)
-They place emphasis on the word of God in the Bible
-Less informal compared to liturgical churches
-Preacher may change the order of prayer, hymns
Disadvantages (2 points)
-People may not always agree with the teachings
-People may not understand the teachings
Charismatic (what is it?)
-Practised by Christians that believe the holy spirit is with them when they pray
Charismatic advantages
(2 points)
-“Charismatic” (led by spirit) which may involve clapping, singing calling out or speaking in tongues
-Worshippers feel it is easier to feel God’s presence in informal worship
Charismatic disadvantages
(3 points)
-Might not be appealing to some as some may believe it lacks tradition
-Shows how the world is developing and loosing respect for God
-Authority of God is reducing
What are sacraments?
-Rituals through which God’s grace can be received
-Make God a part of your life and unite the Christian community
Roman catholicism and orthodox sacraments
Holy orders
Anointing of the stick
Which two do protestant churches follow and why
-Baptism and Eucharist
-It was the own two performed by Jesus himself. The only two he commanded Christians to do
Infant baptism
Parents decide and congregation welcome with a liturgical service
Infant baptism
Parents decide and congregation welcome with a liturgical service
-Straightaway, you’ve gotten rid or the original sin
-Get into God’s grace earlier
-With Godparents, you are protected from evil earlier
Aged 11 and above, child can take confirmation classes to learn about Christianity and then can confirm confirm their faith
Believer’s baptism
3 points
-Religion is a free choice and a personal one that cannot be made for you
-Closest to Biblical scripture as babies were not Christened in the bible
-Symbolic of dying (immersion) and being brought back to life
What is the eucharist?
What is believed to happen during Eucharist?
-They believe they encounter Jesus in the bread and wine
-They feel Jesus through each other, as they share peace
Eucharist quote:
“He took bread, gave thanks and broke it and gave it to them saying “this is my body given for you; do this in remembrance of me”
What is a pilgrimage?
-A physical journey that believers take to develop their spiritual journey
-It could be a place where a significant Christian event took place
Examples of pilgrimages:
Church of the nativity
Why do they go there?
-Supposedly where Jesus was born
-To see the birthplace of Jesus (birthplace of Christianity)
Examples of pilgrimages:
The via Dolorose
Why do they go there?
-This was the street that Jesus walked from prison to the place of his crucifixion ( mount Cavalry)
-To feel connected to the crucifixtion
Examples of pilgrimages:
Holy sepulchre
Why do they go there?
Site of the resurrection
To see the place where Jesus was buried and resurrected
Examples of pilgrimages:
Iona Scotland
Why do they go there?
-The first place that Christianity was brought to in Scotland
-“Thin place” which is a veil between the physical and spiritual is at its thinnest due to the remote environment.
Examples of pilgrimages:
Vatican City
Why do they go there?
-It is the largest church in the world and is built over the tomb of st Peter
-People could possibly meet the Pope (leader of Roman Catholicism)
Examples of pilgrimages:
Lourdes France
Why do they go there?
-Over 7000 people claim to be cured and 69 of them have verified as genuine miracles
-Christians go to have a religious experience
Celebrating festivals:
Why is it celebrated?
-To celebrate the incarnation of Jesus
-Belief that God became human in Jesus
-Seen as a time of peace and goodwill
How is it celebrated?
-Churches have carol services with readings from the Bible
-Christians send Christmas cards and gifts which recall wise men’s gift to Jesus
-Midnight mass takes place on Christmas eve
-Lasts 12 days, ending with feast of Epiphany
Celebrating festivals:
What is the celebration about?
-Celebration of the resurrection of Jesus from the dead
How is it celebrated?
-On Easter Sunday, churches are filled with flowers and special hymns
-Jesus was crucified on “Good Friday” and laid in the tomb, special services are held and possesions in the street are held by a man holding a cross
The church
An assembly or gathering of Christians
The church quote
“Jesus is the head of the body”
Role of church in local community food banks
-They pray for communities
-They are open to anyone to join the church
-They host events which brings the community together
Quotes on church in local community food bank
-Parable of sheep and goat
-“Love thy neighbour”
The calling of an individual or group to go spread faith
A person on a mission, usually to do charity work
Spreading the word of Christianity by preaching
Evangelism quote
“I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners”
Great commission quote
“Go forth and make desciples of all nations”
Unconditional love, sacrificial love
-You act this way because you love thy neighbour
-Following Jesus’ footsteps
What do church food banks do?
-Provide emergency food,help and support for those in crisis
What do street pastors do?
-Adult volunteers who recieve training in order to patrol the streets in urban areas
How does mission spread Christian faith?
-Brings community together
-Spreads practices of Christianity to others, unconditional love
How does mission spread Christian faith?
-Brings community together
-Spreads practices of Christianity to others, unconditional love
Importance of worldwide church:
-To proclaim that Jesus came to save humanity from sin and hell by restoring the relationship between God and humans
-Work to bring about peace and understanding in places of conflict
Reconciliation examples:
-Coventry cathedral:
Teaches others to forgive and not hold grudges against one another
Corymeella community:
-Teaches to ignore negative beliefs and unite together. reconciliating as you are healing yourself from the past
Christian persecution quote:
“everyone who wants to live a Godly life in Jesus Christ will be persecuted”
Persecution, what does it teach?
-It may help Christians develop their faith and strengthen their convictions as believers, when their beliefs are challenged, they have to decide whether or not to be fully committed to faith.
-Christians believe that those who suffer for their beliefs share a unique way with Jesus
The church’s respond to poverty:
-Christian aid