Christianity Environmental Ethics Flashcards
Pope Francis
“If you are a Christian, protecting the environment is part of your identity, not an ideological option.”
Where do the environmental ethical teachings come from?
They emerge from the general ethical teachings within Christianity in that they emerge from the ideal of love - love is seen as the fulfilment of the law because love is the essential quality that gives meaning to all other virtues (1 Cor 13:1)
Genesis 2:15
- “The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it”*
- describes the world as God’s creation and highlights the Christian understanding of stewardship - protect and ensure it remains fruitful.
Leviticus 22:28
- “Do not slaughter a cow or a sheep and its young on the same day.”*
- Prevents the destruction of species
- Key Principle
Goods of the earth are to be shared by all
- Key Principle
It is important to live in a safe and life-giving environment
- Key Principle
The diversity of life has inherit value because it testifies to the grandeur and glory of God the creator
- Key Principle
Aesthetic and prayerful appreciation of the beauty of the universe is a classic path to knowledge and love of God
- Key Principle
Attempts at resolving environmental abuses must not be ignore the poor, who share the human rights to authentic development
- Key Principle
A new spirit of solidarity among all nations is needed to resolve global environmental issues.
The National Council of Churches

Represents 15 denominations in Australia and lobbied the government on a number of issues:
- Helping people whoa re most affected by climate change
- Adopting policies that improve quality of rivers, land and all forms of lfie
- Encouraging the whole community to recognise that all its resources should be used responsibly and to lead a simple, generaous life, remembering that future generations will need resources too.