Christianity Beliefs & Teachings Flashcards
When was the first major divergence in Christianity, what was it about and who broke away from it?
1054 CE about the meaning of the Nicene Creed. The West follow the Orthodox Church and the East followed the RC Church
When was the second major divergence, what was it about and who broke away from it?
16th century - Misuse of RC Church by Henry VIII. Protestants broke away
Which two denominations refuse to conform to a pattern of worship?
- Baptists
- Presbyterians
Name 6 characteristics of God:
- Omniscient
- Omnipotent
- Omnibenevolent
- Atemporal
- Transcendent
- Immanent
What does the Plymouth Brethren focus on?
The holiness and purity of God
What is the Trinity?
- The Father
- The Son
- The Holy Spirit
The son’s role on Earth: (3)
- Sacrifice himself
- Rise from dead
- Preach to others
What denomination does not believe in this Trinity?
When was the Nicene Creed made?
Steps of Genesis 1: (6)
1) “ Let there be light”
2) Vault to separate world and sky
3) Dry ground appears
4) Sun and Moon
5) Living creatures
6) Mankind and plant-bearing seeds
Who wrote all of Genesis?
Steps of Genesis 2: (4)
1) Man formed from the dust of ground
2) Garden of Eden planted
3) Woman formed from rib of man
4) Both are naked
Steps of Genesis 3:
1) Woman is tricked by serpent
2) She gives apple to husband and both eat it
3) Realise they are naked and are scolded by God
What is the Word?
The term given to Jesus
What is Genesis 3 also known as?
The Fall