Christianity Flashcards
What does it mean by God being eternal?
It means he lasts forever. For this to happen he must be outside of time - this means he can look at time and space from a distance and see everything that ever has and everything that ever will happen
What are some counter arguments to God being eternal?
Philosophers such as Richard Swinburne argue that is God is outside of time he cannot possible get involved or intervene inside time and therefore can’t have any impact on our lives he just passively observes
What evidence is there in the Bible that God is eternal?
“The everlasting God… will not grow tired or weary” (Isaiah)
What does it mean by God being omnipotent?
This means God is all powerful. He can do anything he possible could want to do
What are some counter arguments to God being omnipotent?
There is an interesting moral question of ‘could God create a rock that is too heavy for him to lift’
If he could, then he wouldn’t be all powerful because he couldn’t life it
If he couldn’t, then he couldn’t be all powerful as he couldn’t create the rock
Richard Dawkins argues that the idea of omnipotence is completely illogical
What evidence is there in the Bible that God is omnipotent?
“The thunder of his power who can understand?” (Job)
What does is mean by God being omnibenevolent?
This means God is all loving and is good and perfect in everything he does. Christians believe God loves them more than they could possibly imagine.
What are some counter arguments to God being omnibenevolent?
Many atheists take issue with thus idea as if he is perfect and loving in every way why do thing that are imperfect exist like the natural evil of natural disasters? And furthermore why would God chose to love those who sin or those who disobey him?
What evidence is there in the Bible that God is omnibenevolent?
“The Lord is righteous in all his ways and kind in all his works” (Psalm 145)
What does is mean by God being impassible?
This means that God cannot suffer or feel any pain.
This is a very old traditional belief.
What are some counter arguments to God being impassable?
Christians believe that God felt a huge amount of pain watching his son die on the cross and that he suffered for us.
What does it mean by God being the creator?
This means he created the earth and everything on it - he made everything out of nothing
What are some counter arguments to God being the creator?
Who made God? Did he just come from nothing?
The Big Bang and evolution are proven theories, how does God fit into these?
What is some evidence in the Bible of God being the creator?
“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” (Genesis)
What does it mean by God being a judge?
This means God judges us and everything we do. He knows right and wrong and will judge every human. Christians also believe he has mercy and is willing to forgive.
What are some counter arguments to God being a judge?
Some philosophers believe that God cannot be a true judge is he ultimately decides to forgive people when they repent, they also don’t believe that an all loving God would ever punish so why even judge in the first place?
What evidence is there in the Bible for God being a judge?
“God is the judge” (Psalm 75)
Explain the Trinity
Christians believe that God is in three parts: The father, the son and the Holy Spirit. They believe that Jesus (the son) is God ‘incarnate’ which means literally ‘in the flesh’. They also believe that the Holy Spirit lives in us all so God is part of everybody
Who created the idea of soul making?
John Hicks
What is ‘Image of God’ in Latin?
Imago Dei
Where in the Bible is it stated that ‘humans are made in the image of God’?
Genesis 1
What does being made in Imago Dei mean?
This means that there is something special about humans that animals don’t have - that we are similar to God
This means we have a special responsibiy and ability to relate to God on earth.
In what three ways are humans like God now?
Mentally, morally, and socially
In what ways were Adam and Eve like God?
The were immortal and perfect like God
Why are humans not immortal and perfect now?
Because of the ‘fall of man’. Adam and Eve brought sin into the world and it means humans are no longer perfect and evil now exists
What is the idea of free will?
That humans can make their own decisions and can decide whether to do right or wrong. It also means we are responsible for our own actions
What evidence is there in the Bible for humans having free will?
“God did the most loving thing by giving humans free will” (Deuteronomy)
What does Platinga say about free will?
He believes in free will and says it is the reason why people do wrong and the reason why sin exists in the world
What is the idea of predestination?
This is the idea that God’s omnipotence means he is control of all the decisions we make and will make. We are all predestined to one of two ends: life or death
What is determinism?
The opposite of free will - the idea that everything is fated and has been set out for us already
What is compatibilism?
The idea that God knows the decisions we will make but doesn’t make them for us - we have the free will to make them ourselves
What is the problem with predestination and determinism?
That if we don’t make our own decisions how can we ever be fully responsible for any of our actions good or bad
What is Hobble’s stance on free will?
He is a compatibilist
What does Calvin believe about free will?
That we don’t have it - he is a determinist
What do Christians mean that the nature of human beings is to be Stewards?
This means that God made us with a responsibility to be stewards to the earth and to look after it. Christians believe we must care for our environment as God created it and created us to care for it.
Why is there controversy about stewardship?
Many Christians interpret the Bible not to say that we should look after the earth but have power over it and user’s resources instead. These people are called dominionists and believe that we must use what God has given us for our benefit.
What is the misinterpreted quote in the Bible that splits Christians between stewards and dominionists?
“Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish and the sea ad the birds of the air and over every creature that moves along the ground” (Genesis)
What happened at ‘the fall’?
God commanded Adam and Eve not to eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge. They were temped by a serpent and ate an apple. This sin created a gulf between humans and God.
What controversy is there to the fall?
According to the Bible the fall happened only 6000 years ago however we know the earth was created 13 billion years ago and humans have not existed since the beginning of the world so how does the fall fit into this?
What is original sin?
Original sin is the idea that after the fall every human will be born sinful with natural instincts to sin
What controversy is there with original sin?
If we are all born sinful how can God punish us for sinning?
What is the Christian response to the controversy with original sin?
That we are still responsible for sinning as even though we are born in a state of sin we also sin individually using our free will
Who was Josephus and how does he show us Jesus did exist?
He was a Jewish historian whose work mentions Jesus twice. He states he was the Messiah and was put to death by Pontius Pilate. He also states that Jesus’ followers believed he came back to life.
Why do people not believe Josephus’ work?
He was a Jewish historian but his text sounds so Christian that scholars believe it was changed by Christians 200 years later
Who was Tacitus and how does he show us Jesus did exist?
He was a Roman historian who mentions someone called ‘Christus’ who was put to death by Pontius Pilate.
Why do people not believe Tacitus’ work?
It was written at the time of Jesus and has been lost since
Why are early Christians the most important piece of evidence of God existing?
Christianity was not accepted in the time of Jesus and many people were put to death for practicing so the fact that we have have evidence of people risking their life for someone they believed to be ‘the son of God’ he must have existed. (Also the fact Christianity still exists today)
How to atheist and theist views on Jesus differ?
Theists: Jesus was the Jewish Messiah and son of God, his miracles were real and his resurrection is paramount to the Christian faith
Atheists: Jesus is an important teacher and possibly good person who did exist but his miracles didn’t happen and the resurrection is false
What do Christians believe about the ‘incarnaton’ in regards to Jesus?
They believe that Jesus is just God in human form (incarnate = in the flesh) but they confusingly believe Jesus is fully human.
What evidence is there in the Bible that Jesus IS God?
“The word was God… The word became flesh and is dwelling among us” (John)
What evidence is there in the Bible that Jesus is human?
“He had to be made like them, fully human in every way” (Hebrews)
What evidence is there that as well as being God Jesus is also God’s son?
“God sent his son, born of a women” (Galatians)
Who do Christians believe Jesus is a saviour for?
Everyone - due to the fact that Jesus had positive encounters with people in the Bible who were not Jewish shows that he is a messiah for all.
What evidence is the in the Bible that Jesus is a saviour for everyone?
“There is neither Gentile nor Jew, neither slave nor free, nor is there male or female for you are all one in Jesus Christ”
What evidence is there in the Bible that Jesus is the Messiah?
“Who do you say I am?’ says Jesus, ‘You are God’s Messiah’ says Peter”
What do Christians believe about Jesus now?
That he is still alive In heaven
What does the parable of the lost sheep show about God?
The parable shows that God is loving and forgiving
Why are parables important to Christians?
Many Christians apply the parables to themselves, if gives them hope that if Jesus can help these people he can help them too.
What kind of love did Jesus teach?
Radical, self giving, agape love
What does the parable of the rich man and Lazarus show about the afterlife?
That riches don’t get you into heaven and that death is the great equaliser
What is said about riches in the Bible?
“It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven” (Mark)
What did Jesus teach about wealth?
Jesus was extremely critical of wealth as he said it can distract you from God
What is ironic about Christianity in regards to Jesus’ teachings about riches and wealth
Many of the most expensive buildings in the world are churches
What do Christians believe about the resurrection?
After Jesus was executed by crucifixion he was buried in a tomb guarded by Roman soldiers. The day after the sabbath three women went to put perfume on his body but it was gone. They later met an angel who told them Jesus was alive.
How does the resurrection show God’s power?
Death was brought into the world by the fall so bringing Jesus back to life is like God overcoming the fall
Why do Christians believe God let Jesus die?
He died to take the sins of the rest of humanity - he bore the pain for us
What is the ascension?
According to the Bible Jesus remained on earth for 40 days after the resurrection and rose to heaven and remains there watching over us
What is pentecost?
This is the day when Christians believe that the holy spirit came in the form of flames into the apostles. Peter began preaching and people of all languages understood him.
What is theology about the end of the world called?
What is the most important part of Christian eschatology?
That Jesus will come back to earth to judge all people alive or dead: he will decide their eternal destiny and whether they will live with God or not
Why does Jesus have the right to judge?
He is perfect
What do evangelicals believe about about the end of time?
That there will be a millennium marked by wide spread chaos when Jesus will return. It will be a last chance for people to repent
What is the idea of ‘The Long Spoons’
That in heaven and hell everyone sits around a table full of every food they have ever wanted to eat but they are given spoons too long to eat the food. Those in hell starve not knowing how to eat with the long spoons however those in heaven feed their neighbour
What will Jesus’ return (the second coming) look like?
“coming with the clouds and every eye will see him” (Eevelation) - It will apparently be unmissable and will be beyond our understanding
Who will be saved in the second coming?
- Those who have lived a good life
- People who trust Jesus
- Everyone
What are universalists?
People who believe that God’s great plan is to save everyone through Jesus
What are people’s objections to the ideas of universalists?
If we are all going to be saved, why should we try and live a good life?
Is there a literal hell YES NO or ANNIHILATION?
YES: There must be punishment for sinners and unbelievers
NO: A literal hell is too cruel to be linked to an omnibenevolent God
ANNIHILATION: God will annihilate (wipe out) the very worst people as he is too good to eternally punish them
What is purgatory?
A place between heaven and hell, temporary punishment for believers in Jesus who die with unreported sins
When to Christians believe the second coming will happen?
Jesus states he will come ‘like a thief in the night’ which suggests that no one will be expecting it - only God knows when he will come
What does the Bible say about what will happen when Jesus comes again?
“He will wipe away tears from their eyes. There will be no more death, no more grief or crying or pain. The old things have disappeared.” (Revelation)
What do Christians believe we should focus on now?
- Sharing God’s kindness
- Living by Jesus and spreading his word
- Leaving the judgment for God
What does the crucifixion mean for Christians?
- Shows God’s love (he could have stopped it)
- It was a sacrifice like the hebrews sacrificed animals
- It’s Jesus act of atonement for the sins of all people
What is the parable of the lost sheep about?
If you had 100 sheep and just 1 got lost you would still do everything you could to find it
What is the parable of the rich man and Lazarus?
A rich man and a beggar both die and the bigger gets into heaven and the rich man doesn’t