Christianity Flashcards
Jesus sought to renew the Jewish religion in the spirit of the prophets, came to be seen as the
Messiah by his followers
Branches of Christianity
anglican catholic orthodox pentecostal protestants
Principle beliefs
the divinity and humanity of Jesus Christ
The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ
The nature of God and the Trinity
Core Ethical Teachings
The 10 commandments
- the beatitudes
Jesus’ commandment of love
Sacred Tests
Personal Devotion
The Bible, Christianity’s sacred text, is
the inspired word of God and source of faith and guidance for Christians.
what provide moral guidance for Christians.
The Ten Commandments, Beatitudes, and Jesus’ commandment of love
Christians express personal devotion using any of the four types of prayer these are
adoration and blessing; intercession and petition; thanksgiving; praise.
The Anglican Church had its beginnings during
______. ______formalised the
separation of the Church in England from any
association with _______
the Reformation
King Henry VIII
papal authority.
The Catholic Church historically began with
_____________. It established itself on the
leadership of Saint Peter. This became formalised
in the role of the pope in Rome, whose leadership
of the Catholic community has been maintained
since the time of the apostles. The Catholic
Church remains hierarchical with the community
looking to leadership from its ____________________________________
the disciples of Jesus
priests, bishops,
cardinals and pope.
Anglicans core beliefs-
Core beliefs include the centrality of the Bible
and the key sacraments of baptism and the Lord’s
Catholics core beliefs
Core beliefs include the importance of the
guidance of the Holy Spirit, the magisterium
(teaching authority of the Church), sacraments
as a channel of God’s grace and the guidance of
Orthodoxy core beliefs
Core beliefs establish the equal role of scripture
and tradition as sources of authority. There are
seven sacraments in the Orthodox Church and the
divine liturgy is an important worship service. Icons
are a distinctive feature of Orthodox churches and
liturgies are often fi lled with music and chanting.
Pentecostalism Core beliefs
focus on the gifts of the Holy Spirit
such as prophecy, healing and speaking in tongues.
Baptism in the Spirit (the individual’s experience of
the power of the Holy Spirit) is an adherent’s fi rst
awareness of the power of Pentecostal worship.
Baptists, Methodists, Lutherans, Calvinists, the
Salvation Army and Quakers were movements of
reform within Christianity. The fi rst efforts at reform
had been led by Luther, Calvin, Knox and Zwingli.
Protestantism emphasises the authority of the Bible
as a source of teaching, the universal priesthood of
believers and justifi cation by faith. Each of these
churches developed teachings and practices under
the leadership of their particular founder.
The Ten Commandments
The Ten Commandments (the Decalogue) were a
_________ They were
given to __________when they were in
the desert searching for the ________(Exodus
20:2–14; Deuteronomy 5:6–21). The first four
commandments describe ______________ and the other six are about __________________.
Christians recognise the Ten Commandments
as a_______ for ethical behaviour. Many of
the commandments are phrased in terms of what is
not permissible.
covenant between God and his people. Moses and the Israelites Promised Land one’s relationship with God maintaining good relationships with one’s neighbour. set of principles
The Beatitudes are
guidelines for today’s Christians
as to how they should relate to others. They teach
that we all have a responsibility to care for others
in society.
The commandment of love is a
statement that draws together all the ethical
teaching that went before. Jesus’ teaching is about
God’s love for human beings and their opportunity
for salvation through love of God and neighbour
The Christian Bible is made up of:
• the Hebrew scriptures—known as the First or
Old Testament
• the Christian scriptures—known as the Second
or New Testament
• the Apocrypha or Deuterocanonical books—
additional material contained in Orthodox and
Catholic Bibles.
The Bible contains
key ethical teachings as well as history,
poetry, songs, the story of the Messiah, and
teachings about how to live a Christian life in the
letters to the Christian communities.