Christianity Flashcards
What is the holy trinity?
The idea that God is made of three part- God the father, God the son and God the Holy Spirit. This can be explained by using water or a mars bar.
Why is humans relationship with God so special?
Humans were Gods last creation and were made in Gods image (Imagi Dei) meaning we share Gods characteristics.
What impact does having imago dei have on Christians lifes?
Can make Christian’s want to try adopt Gods natures such as being more benovelonnt. They could do this by worshiping and praying to God.
Why did God give humans free will?
Because God didn’t want humans to be like robots who couldn’t make their own decisions
What Implications does free will have for Christian’s?
Means humans are able to sin and go against Gods wishes
What is sin?
Going against Gods wishes. Can lead you to being disconnected from God
What different views do the Roman Catholic Church and the Scottish church have on sin?
The Roman Catholic Church believe some sins are more severe than others .
The Scottish church believe all sins are equal.
What does the original sin refer to?
The idea that Adam and Eve brought sin into the world and caused everyone to be born with sin.
What does Jesus being an incarnation of God mean?
Jesus is God in human form making him 100% God and 100% human.
Why is Jesus sometimes described as the bridge between humans and God
Jesus was the only perfect man who has never sinned so when he died on the cross he took responsibility for all human sin which restored humans relationships with God and meant all sins could be forgiven.
Why was Jesus crucified
Jesus was crucified for committing blasphemy as the Romans didn’t believe he was the sin of God
Who crucified Jesus
The Romans
What happened to the two thieves crucified with Jesus?
-One thief made fun of Jesus and told him to Eva system if he was the messiah.
-The other thief stood up for Jesus and asked him to remember him when he reached his kingdom.
Jesus then turned to the thief who believed in him and stayed “I assure you, today you will be with me in paradise.”
What happened after Jesus died?
His body was taken to a tomb with a large boulder put in front of it to protect it.
What did the three woman find when they went to anoint Jesus.
They discovered the boulder had rolled away and Jesus’ body was no longer there. The Holy Spirit then appeared in front of the three woman and told them Jesus had risen.
What happened when Jesus appeared in front of his disciples?
He was able to talk and eat with them and they were able to touch his wounds.
Was Jesus’ body mortal after his resurrection
No Jesus was able to do things like appear in locked rooms
What do Christian’s believe about Judgement?
Everyone will be judged after they die and this will decide if they go to heaven or hell. Some Christian’s believe you’re judged by weighing up how good and bad you’ve been. Where as others believe your judged only on if you believe in Jesus and followed his teachings and examples.
What is the parable of the sheep and goats?
-how you treat others is also how you treat God as we are all God’s creation.
- God will separate the righteous and unrighteous.
-the righteous are those who have helped and cared for God by helping the poor, visiting the imprisoned and caring for the ill.
-the unrighteous are those who ignored God by not helping the poor, visiting the imprisoned or caring for the ill.
-the righteous will go to heaven and live eternally with God.
-the unrighteous will go to hell and eternally suffer.
What is the parable of the lost son (prodigal son)?
Tells the story of a lost son who uses his father for money. He then takes his fathers money and wastes it. He then returns to his father and asks for forgiveness. His father is waiting with open arms and accepts his son back into his life.
What does the parable go the lost son (prodigal son) teach about God?
God is like a loving father waiting for his son to find him. This shows that God is waiting for us to find him and when we do he will forgive our sins and welcome us home to heaven.
What do Christian’s believe about Heaven?
-Heaven is where God and Jesus are
-heaven is like paradise with everything you could ever want
-it is where Christians can love and worship God for eternity.
Non literal and literal beliefs about heaven?
Some Christian’s take the description of Heaven literally and think it is an actual place with everything you could ever want.
Other believe this description just describes how amazing it is to live with God in your life as Christians main purpose in life is to love and worship God.
Christian beliefs about hell
-hell is the opposite of heaven and is eternal suffering
-the idea of hell comes from Jesus’ description in the Bible which says hell is a place of eternal fire and punishment.
-some Christians belief in universalism which is the belief Hell is only temporary and one day we will all find Jesus and got to Heaven.