Christian View Of Euthanasia Flashcards
Explain ‘life is a gift from god’
All life is a gift from god
Birth and death are part of the life processes god created so we should respect them
No human being has the authority to take a life
What is the general Christian view?
Sanctity of life
Human beings are made in gods image
Shouldn’t interfere with the natural process of death
Explain the ‘dying process is spiritually importsnt’
The period just before death is a profoundly spiritually time
Wrong to interfere as you would interrupt process of spirit moving towards god
Explain ‘all human life is equally valuable’
Value of each human life is identical
Don’t believe human dignity and value are measured by mobility, intelligence or any achievements in life - this includes PVS, old, sick, metal and physical handicaps
What are the exceptions and omissions?
Must respect every human being - therefore this includes respecting their decisions about the end of their life
Should accept their rational decisions to refuse burdensome and futile treatment
Explain how Christians regard end of life care?
Community should care for people
Community should provide the best palliative care
Community should face death and dying with honesty and support
Community should recognise that when people suffer death on earth the entrust their future with Christ
Help terminally ill prepare for death
Open to hopes and fears
Open to discussion
What do Roman Catholics believe in terms of natural law theory?
Moral values from bible and Thomas aquinas’ natural law theory
He believed we stare a common human nature created by god
Using our human nature abc reason we can know the primary precepts:
1) educate
2) protect the innocent / preserve life
3) live in a community
4) worship god
5) reproduce
These don’t support euthanasia as euthanasia doesn’t protect the innocent or help the person worship god
What do Roman Catholics in regard to the doctrine of double effect?
If someone does something that intends to follow the 5 primary precepts but the consequence in negative the person is not morally accountable for the secondary effect
“you shall not murder”
“Why shouldest thou die before my time”
“Love your neighbour as yourself”