Christian practices Flashcards
What is baptism?
baptism cleanses a person of original sin and makes them fully part of the christian community
What is infant baptism? (catholic church)
a ceremony in which a young child or baby is initiated into the faith and welcomed into the church community and cleansed of original sin
Quote from the gospels about baptism
baptism is necessary for salvation (gospels) - “unless one if born of water and the spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of god”
How is infant baptism done?
the priest pours water over the baby’s head 3 times whilst calling on the holy trinity “i baptise you in the name of the father, and of the son, and of the holy spirit” (bible)
What is believers baptism? (baptist church)
a ceremony in which an adult freely chooses to commit their lives to god
How is believes baptism done?
baptism is celebrated in a church service or a public setting eg a river or baptistery
the individual is fully submerged. When they are submerged it symbolises their death to sin and it reenacts jesus’ 3 day burial in the tomb, when they rise from the water it is a reenactment of jesus’ resurrection
Quote from the apostle paul in the bible about baptism
“by our baptism, we were buried with him (jesus) and shared his death”
Difference is Roman catholic beliefs and protestant beliefs on baptism
Roman catholic christian’s baptize babies ,they this when the child is very young, emphasizing the churches role in nurturing faith from the earliest stages of life. Babies are normally baptized within the first few weeks or months of birth
Many protestants do not baptize infants as they belive the ritual is not the babies choice as they are too young to commit to god. They believe you need to be old enough to understand and practice the faith before being baptized
What is the eucharist?
Also called holy communion is a sacrament that commemorates the last supper. The eucharist takes the form of a shared meal of bread and wine
Roman catholic beliefs on eucharist
Roman catholics place more importance on the bread and wine and celebrate the eucharist more often than other denominations. They see the eucharist as an essential way of establishing their relationship with god
They belive in transubstantiation
What is transubstantiation? with quote
Roman catholics belive that during the eucharist, the bread and wine are transformed into the actual flesh and blood of jesus christ
Jesus said (bible) - “ for my flesh is food indeed and my blood is drink indeed”
Protestant beliefs on eucharist
in most protestant churches, communion is seen as a memorial of christs death. The bread and wine do not change at all because they are merely symbols
Beliefs on the quote of transubstantiation
in the bible jesus said “ for my flesh is food indeed, and my blood is drink indeed”
Roman catholics believe the bread and wine are transformed into the actual flesh and blood of Jesus. Protestants believe bread and wine are merely symbolic
What is worship?
an expression of adoration, devotion and praise to god
What are the 3 Types of worship?
liturgical worship- worship that follows a set structure including rituals that are often repeated during each service
Informal/non liturgical worship- worship carries out in churches that is spontaneous and has no structure
individual worship- worship that takes place outside of the church by the individual, at home or just by themselves
Importance and drawbacks of liturgical worship
it’s important because it connects worship as centuries of Christian tradition “let us not give up the habit of meeting together”
However some say it’s formulaic pattern does not leave room for the individual to express thier true feelings and emotions
Importance and drawbacks of non liturgical/ informal worship
is important as the worship of feels they are worshipping in a personal manner, expressing their honest feelings which can develop a more meaningful relationship with God. “where 2 or more are gathered, i am there”
However it can ignore religious traditions and can be scary for new commers
Importance and drawbacks of individual worship
is important to form a personal relationship with God and worshipping alone is often part of this.
however the Bible says “let us not give up the habit of meeting together”
What are quakers?
known as the religious society of friends, a christian group that emphasize direct experience of god through inward reflection and personal revelation
Describe quaker worship (5)
firstly, Quakers sit in silence awaiting God’s voice. The quiet allows them to access the “inner light” (gods prescence within them) some may then feel moved to share or “minister” a message within the group “where 2 or more are gathered, i am there” (bible)
Secondly , activism plays a central role in Quaker worship, they believe all people should experience equal treatment, therefore they raise awareness and campaign for social issues eg the climate
Describe evangelical worship (5)
Firstly, evangelical worship tends to be structured (no formal prayers). Instead, worshippers are encouraged to sing and pray freely expressing themselves honestly “where 2 or more are gathered, i am there” (bible)
Secondly, there is emphasis on waiting for the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Some may speak in tongues as the disciples do in the pentecost (bible)
What is prayer?
prayer is how christian’s communicate with god
4 key themes in christian prayer
Adoration - praising god or simply being aware of his prescence
Confession - christian’s seek forgiveness for thier sins
Thanksgiving - thanking god for all they have and often take for granted
Supplication - asking god to supply them with their wants and needs this could be prayers for other people
What is Formulaic prayers?
prayers with a set structure/ formula of written prayers eg the lord’s prayer
What is extempore prayers?
informal or spontaneous prayers, in words
The lord’s prayer (formulaic prayer)
a prayer that jesus taught his disciples “when you pray, say this” (gospels)
- “our father who art in heaven” who lives in heaven
- “give us this day our daily bread” give us our daily needs
- “forgive us our tresspasess as we forgive those that trespass against us” forgive us to the extent we forgive others
How to catholics show respect for the host in eucharist?
genuflect (kneel down on one knee) in the direction of the tabernacle (a special cupboard where the host is stored)
They are careful with how they handle the host they receive it either on their tounge or in their mouth
after communion, any leftover hosts are either stored in the tabernacle or consumed by the priest. hosts are never discarded as they are considered sacred
any water used to clean cups or plates that have come into contact with the host will be poured into a special sink called a sacrarium which drains into the ground not the sewer