Christian Practices Flashcards
What is Liturgical Worship?
Liturgical Worship is a formal form of worship that takes place in a church and is led by a priest, with set prayers read out.
What characterizes Non-liturgical Worship?
Non-liturgical Worship is less formal, takes place in a church, has no set prayers, and allows people to take turns preaching and reading from the Bible.
What are sacraments in Christianity?
Sacraments are special occasions in a Christian’s life, such as Eucharist and baptism.
What happens during the Eucharist?
During the Eucharist, a priest consecrates (blesses) bread and wine, which the congregation then receives.
Catholics believe the Holy Spirit transforms the bread and wine into Jesus’ body and blood, while Anglicans believe they are symbolic.
What is the significance of the Eucharist?
Christians take part in the Eucharist to remember the sacrifice Jesus Christ made for them by being crucified on the cross.
‘For whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes’ - 1 Corinthians 11:26
What is a pilgrimage?
A pilgrimage is a journey made by a Christian to a holy site, such as Lourdes, where Catholics believe the water has healing effects.
What is the purpose of evangelism in Christianity?
Christians have a duty to evangelise, telling others about the word of God. An example is the Alpha Course, which educates about the life of Jesus.
What is prayer in Christianity?
Prayer is communicating with God, either silently or out loud, and is a crucial part of a Christian’s spiritual life.
What are intercessions and thanksgiving in prayer?
Intercessions are prayers made on behalf of others, while thanksgiving is when people pray to express gratitude.
What is Infant Baptism?
Infant Baptism is a formal service welcoming a new child into the Christian church, where holy water is sprinkled over the baby’s head.
What is Believer’s Baptism?
Believer’s Baptism welcomes someone old enough to decide for themselves, involving submersion in holy water and promises to avoid evil.
This type of baptism is practiced only by Baptists.
What does Christmas celebrate?
Christmas celebrates the incarnation (birth) of Jesus Christ, and Christians give gifts to commemorate God’s gift of his son.
What does Easter celebrate?
Easter celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ, marked by the phrase ‘he is risen’ and the tradition of eating chocolate eggs representing new life.
What is the role of Christians in the community?
Christians have a duty to help others in the local community, exemplified by Street Pastors and Food Banks.
What is reconciliation in Christianity?
Reconciliation involves seeking to restore friendly relations after conflict. An example is Coventry Cathedral, which promotes peace after being bombed in WWII.