Christian Life And Death Flashcards
What will Christians be judged on after death?
How they treated the world
What determines whether Christians go to heaven or hell?
Their treatment of the world
Which Biblical chapters do Christians use to support their beliefs about the creation of the world?
Genesis 1-2
Fill in the blank: Christians believe the universe should be _______ rather than abused by humans.
What do Christians believe about human life?
Christians believe human life is special and holy, known as the sanctity of life.
Why do Christians consider human life holy?
Human life is considered holy because it is a gift from God and therefore belongs to Him.
What does Exodus 20:13 state?
‘You shall not murder.’
What does Genesis 1:27 teach about humanity?
So God created mankind in his own image; in the image of God he created them, male and female he created them.
What is the theory of evolution?
The theory of evolution is based on Charles Darwin’s theories that the origin of human life was through the gradual development of species over millions of years.
What does ‘survival of the fittest’ mean?
It means that individuals who were better adapted to the environment survived to pass their genes to the next generation.
How do some people view the relationship between evolution and Christianity?
Some people believe that the theory of evolution conflicts with what Christians claim about God creating everything in the universe.
What are the differing Christian responses to evolution?
Some Christians feel evolution is not compatible with the Bible and reject it, while others see no conflict between religion and science, viewing evolution as part of God’s plan.
What are some pro-life arguments against abortion?
Some Christians believe the rights and life of the foetus are important and do not support abortion because:
- Life is a sacred gift from God.
- Life is believed to begin at conception.
- All life has value, even if a child may be born disabled.
- God has a plan for every human.
- Abortion is viewed as murder, as stated in the Bible’s Ten Commandments.
What are some non-religious arguments regarding abortion?
Atheists may argue that:
- It is the woman’s right to choose.
- The rights of the mother outweigh those of the child, as it is not considered a person until born.
- Abortion is wrong, but not for religious reasons.
Humanists may believe that:
- The woman should make the right choice for her.
- Life is special, but abortion needs to be there as an option.
What are some pro-choice arguments for abortion?
Some Christians may feel that while abortion is not good, it may be the ‘lesser of two evils.’ They may argue that:
- Jesus taught compassion towards others.
- We cannot be sure life begins at conception.
- In cases of rape or incest, abortion may be the kindest action.
- Medical technology allows us to identify problems with the foetus, so children do not need to be born who would suffer painful lives or die shortly after birth.
- Abortion is best if the mother’s life is at risk.
How do Christians respond to non-religious arguments about abortion?
Christians may use some of the above arguments in their reasoning about abortion. However, all Christians maintain that life is special, as God created it. Although some consider abortion necessary in certain circumstances, many argue against it.
What are situation ethics in relation to abortion?
Situation ethics principles argue that each situation should be considered individually and the right action may be different in each case.
How do Christians view their purpose in life?
Christians believe they have a purpose to live as God intended so that they can be rewarded after death.
What comfort do Christians find in their beliefs about death?
Christians are comforted that their loved ones live on after death.
How does belief in life after death help Christians cope with death?
It helps them cope with death by showing them that death is not the end.
What do Christians believe about good deeds and faith?
Christians agree that good deeds may be rewarded in heaven, but it is only through faith in Jesus that they are reconciled with God.
What do many non-religious people believe happens after death?
They argue that a person is born, lives, and then simply dies.
What do Christians believe regarding evidence for life after death?
They believe there is evidence found in the resurrection of Jesus and the teachings of the Bible.
How do Christians view faith in relation to life after death?
They believe that having faith involves accepting things without question, including belief in life after death.
What gives Christians’ lives meaning and purpose?
Their belief in an afterlife provides meaning and purpose to their lives.
What is euthanasia?
Euthanasia is the painless killing of someone who is dying. It is also referred to as ‘assisted dying’ and is seen by some as a compassionate act.
What are the three types of euthanasia?
- Voluntary euthanasia - life is ended at the person’s request.
- Assisted suicide - a person is given means to end their own life.
- Non-voluntary euthanasia - ending a person’s life when they cannot ask, but it is believed to be what they would want.
What do Christian teachings say about euthanasia?
Christian teachings emphasize that life is special, as shown in the Bible.
Examples include: ‘So God created mankind in his own image.’ (Genesis 1:27), ‘Your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit…’ (1 Corinthians 6:19), ‘You shall not murder.’ (Exodus 20:13)
What are some arguments against euthanasia?
- The sanctity of life argument states all life is sacred.
- The slippery slope argument suggests legalizing euthanasia could lead to other forms of killing, such as infanticide.
What are some arguments for euthanasia?
- It allows a person to die a gentle, pain-free death.
- It enables the patient to die with dignity.
- It can save medical costs.
- It relieves the burden on the family and society.
- If requested by the person, it abides by their wishes.
What do some atheists and humanists argue about euthanasia?
Some argue that the kindest action may be to let a person end their life if it is their wish and they are in pain. They may also use principles of situation ethics, suggesting each case should be judged individually.
What is a common Christian response to non-religious arguments about euthanasia?
Most Christians would argue that euthanasia is always wrong due to biblical teachings and the belief in the sanctity of life.
They may also argue that suffering has a purpose, even if it is not understood.
What does the Bible teach regarding the world?
The Bible teaches that we should care for the world.
How do Christians view the world?
Christians see the world as a sacred gift from God.
What does Christianity teach about judgment after death?
Christianity teaches that humans will be judged after death on how they treated the Earth.
What responsibility did God give to humans regarding the Earth?
God gave humans the responsibility of stewardship of the Earth - caring for it for future generations.
What is the Christian view on the use of animals for food?
Christians tend to agree that it is acceptable for animals to be used for food, as God gave them to humans for this purpose.
What does the Bible say about dominion over animals?
The Bible states that God gave humans dominion over animals.
What is the Christian belief regarding the souls of humans and animals?
Christians believe that only humans were given souls and were ‘made in the image of God’, suggesting animals are not as important as people.
Why might some Christians choose to be vegetarian?
Some Christians may choose to be vegetarian, believing that since God created animals, they are important and should not suffer.