Christian Faithful Questions (Hastings Notes) Flashcards
This is a summary of Astigueta's class.
1) Where is the teaching of Vatican II present in Book II, Titles 1, 2, 5?
• There was a shift from a hierarchical model of the Church to the model of the Church as the People of God
• All belong to the people of God, though in varying capacities
• All have the triple function of priest, prophet and king
• In the third schema of LG was introduced the universal call to holiness
• All are called to holiness in their own way (vocation)
• Communion among all the faithful is established in baptism
• There is thus a radical equality among all the baptised
• All the faithful participate in the mission of the church in their own way: they are called to service and to build up the body of Christ
The Church and the World
• Vatican Ii influenced the way the Church relates to the world
• Two ways to see the world
1. The world as all that is at enmity with God
2. The world as given by the Father for salvation
• However, you can’t separate the work of creation from the work of redemption
• The Incarnation perfects creation
• Because of the Incarnation, secularity is a ‘theological concept’
• Baptism brings about not a separation from the world, but a distinction that can be made: the Christian is in the world but not of the world
• The two big Vatican II concepts rediscovered (wrt to this course) are:
1. The category of the People of God
LG says that God wants to save man not as individuals and without a bond among them, but wants to constitute them as a People (LG 9)
The call of God is not strictly speaking personal, but happens in a people
2. That of the world
• The terms “Church” and “People of God” are complementary and interchangeable
The Process of Formation of Book II (The People of God)
• Book Ii of the CIC/83 is the best attempt to put the conciliar ecclesiology into canonical language (especially LG, GS, and AA)
• Main points from Council to Code
o The doctrine that presents the Church as the people of God and the authority as service
o The doctrine that sees the Church as communion, and thus determines the relation between the particular church and the universal church, between collegiality and primacy
o The doctrine by which all the members of the people of God participate in the world in their own way in the triple function of priest, prophet and king
o The doctrine regarding the rights of the faithful, in particular the lay faithful
o The commitment of the Church to ecumenism
4.1 Historical introduction
• The reform of the CIC was the other major undertaking after the Council
The Second Vatican Council and the CIC/83
• VII explicitly affirmed the right of association in the Church (AA 18a)
• Each Christian can have a part of the apostolic mission of the Church in collaboration with others
• PO 8c affirms the fraternal cooperation of priests
• Christifideles Laici, 29 , also reaffirms the right to association
• The new Code, in c. 215 , explicitly establishes the right of the Christian faithful to association
2) Describe the difference between 1917’s Book on Persons and 1983’s Book II on the People of God.
1917: -considered the Church as a society of unequal subjects
- the point of view was the identification of the authority of the Church as the Church, and not the community or individual baptized
- the role of the faithful was spiritual help received from the hierarchy and obedience and discipline
- active element: teaching and governing clergy
- passive element: learning and obedient laity
- all established by positive divine law
1983: -change in identity of the protagonist-subject of the code
- the theological and juridic notion of the faithful is nether lay nor clerical, but prior to both
- there is a mutality -
3) [204] When do you become a person in the law of the church? In law, what does it mean to be a person? What about juridic persons, de facto associations, the non-baptized and catechumens?
Baptism’s first effect is that it makes a person a person in law.
A person in law is a person who is an actor in the juridic world.
This gives juridic capacity, i.e., to the be the subject of rights and duties.
The unbaptized are not juridic persons.
Catechumens are not juridic persons, but they have some relationship with the Church.
The Church “ha una cura particolare dei catecumeni.”
Catechumens have no rights, but they do have prerogatives. (1170) Blessings. (1183) exequies.
4) Can. 207 describe distinctions within the Christian faithful. Are these functional distictions? Why and why not?
In one sense: yes. There is a diversity of vocations or conditions within the Church. At the same time, there is a shared goal, i.e., the edification of the Body of Christ.
LG10b: “Though they differ from one another in essence and not only in degree, the common priesthood of the faithful and the ministerial or hierarchical priesthood are nonetheless interrelated: each of them in its own special way is a participation in the one priesthood of Christ.”
In another sense, this is not only a distinction of hierarchical function, as there are those who differ in vocation, but also condition (i.e., evang. Counsels)
5) Describe the juridic status of a baptized non-Catholic.
Bonnet: “by virtue of the sacrament they are in some way incorporated into the Church but lack the full elements of communion, membership in the community, participation in the Sacraments, and fullness of the Faith”
6) How does communion relate to the exercise of duties and rights in the church?
First of all, communion is the first obligation of each member of the faithful. So, no action that harms communion can be considered legitimate.
-c. 213 explains the right to receive spiritual goods from the Church
-communion is a right to the faith, hierarchical structure, and means of salvation
-to live in communion is the only truly fundamental right-duty which summarizes and synthesizes all others
-communion is the criterion of exercise and limit of all the rights of the faithful
7) Define: common good.[223]
-The complex of objective circumstances in which individuals and groups seek out the essential ends of the proper nature of a thing
o DH 6a: “Since the common welfare of society consists in the entirety of those conditions of social life under which men enjoy the possibility of achieving their own perfection in a certain fullness of measure and also with some relative ease, it chiefly consists in the protection of the rights, and in the performance of the duties, of the human person.”
o GS 26a: “the common good […] is the sum of those conditions of social life which allow social groups and their individual members relatively complete and ready access to their own fulfillment.” (Also CCC 1924 cites this)
o “Sacra Disciplinae LEgis” In actual fact the Code of Canon Law is extremely necessary for the Church. Since, indeed, it is organized as a social and visible structure, it must also have norms: in order that its hierarchical and organic structure be visible; in order that the exercise of the functions divinely entrusted to her, especially that of sacred power and of the administration of the sacraments, may be adequately organized; in order that the mutual relations of the faithful may be regulated according to justice based upon charity, with the rights of individuals guaranteed and well defined; in order, finally, that common initiatives, undertaken for a Christian life ever more perfect may be sustained, strengthened and fostered by canonical norms.
8) What are the bonds of communion in the church? Relate the bonds of communion in the church to the ideas of sacramentum tantum, res et sacramentum, res (sacramenti) tantum? [205]
-sacramentum tantum: this is the “sacrament alone,” the thing that is seen. IN this case, we see the Church.
-res et sacramentum: this is the reality that is behind the “sacrament alone,” the thing that is not seen. In this case, it is the salvific operation of Christ in the Church
-res tantum: this is the “thing along,” the effect of the above. In this case, it is the divine love of the M.H. Trinity communicated to man. (Asti calls this “res sacramenti”.)
By analogy, in Baptism, these are: water, words and pouring; indelible character; effects of the sacrament
Two big ideas: incorporation and communion. Incorporation happens via grace and the bonds that are effected are faith, sacraments and governance.This leads to communion, which is spiritual and visible.
9) How are all the Christian faithful equal? What are the juridic consequences of this equality? [208]
-equality is not uniformity
-diversity is not disorganized plurality
-equality is the first juridic consequence of Baptism
LG 32: If therefore in the Church everyone does not proceed by the same path, nevertheless all are called to sanctity and have received an equal privilege of faith through the justice of God.(194) And if by the will of Christ some are made teachers, pastors and dispensers of mysteries on behalf of others, yet all share a true equality with regard to the dignity and to the activity common to all the faithful for the building up of the Body of Christ. For the distinction which the Lord made between sacred ministers and the rest of the People of God bears within it a certain union, since pastors and the other faithful are bound to each other by a mutual need.
1) What is a duty? What is a right? How are they related?
Duty: an obligation based on a right (mine or another’s) to give or preserve goods that are needed for their end
-something that is due
Right: A need that One needs others to respect or it will be lost
-something that is owed
Every right implies a duty: If I say that I have a right, someone has to give it to me
Every duty implies a right: If I have duty, it is to fulfill someone’s right
2) Choose three of the rights and obligations listed in cann. 208-231. For each one chosen, find three canons not in can. 208-231 that are connected to the right or obligation. Explain each connection.
- 1: The office of preaching the Gospel to the universal Church is for the Roman Pontiff and the College of Bishops
757: But, priests do it, too. This task is especially important for parish priests and pastors of souls.
1136: Don’t forget parents!
530: duties of the parish priest. This is connected because every right implies a duty.
867. 1: Parents ought o present child for Baptism within the first few weeks.
919. 1: Gives conditions to this right, i.e., the fast
1026: Still, the right to a vocation has requirements.
643. 1, .4: The novitiate has its requirements, too.
656. 4: The right is free, so force or fear vitiate validity of temporary vows
3) Choose three of the rights and obligations listed in cann. 208-231. Explain how cann. 209 and 223 affect the exercises of each right in practice.
I think that this is pretty obvious, on a case-by-case basis.
4) What is included in the right of 220? What limits does it have?
Two realities of 220:
-the right to a good reputation
-the right to guard privacy
-people have the right of controlling how info about them is circulated
Within a trial, it can be permissible to ask about private things. Also, sentences do not violate this rite because they follow a process of law and the interest of the community. That said, the following apply:
-judicial authority cannot countenance anonymous accusations
-the accused gets to know the name of his accuser
-people get to defend themselves
-there must always be reason for punishment
-anyone’s whose good name is illegitimately injured has right of recourse
-confessors must act prudently in the confessional
-some false denunciation of a superior can receive latae sententiae interdict or suspension
5) Who has the right in 218? What are the conditions for its exercise?
• Recognizes the freedom of research in the sacred disciplines as well as to express their own opinion in what they study
• GS 62f is the font for this canon
• Note that this right is accorded only to those engaged in the sacred disciplines
• There are three conditions:
1. The research and opinions must only be in debatable areas, not in areas on which the Magisterium has already pronounced
2. The research and opinions must not damage the rights of others
3. They must make use of the proper mode of expression, for instance, by publishing their own thoughts as such in specialized reviews or congresses of experts, not just in the common means of social communication
6) Define: the principle of legality, Canonical equity. How to these two principles interact in can. 221§§2-3. (Easy to reason through this.)
Legality: the public ecclesiastical authority in the exercise of its proper functions, must respect the law, in such a way that any emanated acts are legitimate
Equity: the application of law to all in a just way
nulla poena sine lege: the law must construe according to the law Regulae Juris: Non debet aliquis alterius odio praegravari. = 22. No one must be judged unfavorably because someone hates him. (In judicial procedure emotional prejudice must be excluded.)