christian beliefs Flashcards
omnibenevolent - all-loving
key terms : agape, forgiveness, mercy
christian view : “… compassionate and gracious god… abounding in love and faithfulness”
omnipotent - all-powerful
key terms: monotheist (single all powerful god), transcendent (beyond the range of human capability),
christian views : in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth”
key terms: incarnation, speaking in tongues, bible, farther the son and the holy spirit (apostles creed), Jesus christ,
christian view: “in the name of the farther, the son and the holy spirit”
key terms: Jesus christ, messiah, cruxifixction, disciple, god in human form
christian beliefs: ‘greeting you who are highly favoured! the lord is with you”
key terms: (making amends for wrongdoing) sacrifice, salvation, sin, original sin, forgiveness, afterlife (heaven and hell), judgement, purgatory.
christian beliefs: this is my blood which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins”
ascension, forgiveness, eternal life, heaven and hell
christian beliefs: “ i am the resurrection, the truth and the life, he who believes in me shall have eternal life”
key terms: religious ceremony or ritual that impacts divine grace, rite, baptism, confirmation, eucharist, penance, anointing of the sick, holy orders, marriage
christian beliefs : “baptising them in the name of the father, the son, and the holy spirit.”
key terms: (sharing the message and teachings of Jesus christ) worldwide church, mission, church growth, tear fund, reconcilliation
key terms: worship, liturgical (worship in public place with set structure - for example Mass) informal (adoration of god and can take place outside of church, music is modern) individual (in addition to worshiping in a church- personal relationship with god) priest, vicar
christian beliefs: “where two or more are gathered in my name, i am there with them”
key terms: adoration (devotion and worship to god), confessional(release of guilt from sins), contemplation (being aware of god), praise, thanksgiving, set prayers,
key terms: Christmas, nativity, easter, palm Sunday (Jesus entry into Jerusalem) good friday, easter sunday.