Christian attitudes to equal rights for women in religion and reasons for them Flashcards
Four points for
St Paul wrote that the sexes were created equally by God
Jesus treated women as equals and had women followers like Martha and Mary Magdalene
The Church of England voted to ordain women as priests in 1992 / Quakers
The Bible teaches that men and women were created equally
+St Paul
St Paul write in Galatians 3:28: “There is neither…male nor female for you are all one person in Christ.”
This is followed by Liberal Christians (Church of England and Methodists)
Jesus’ women followers were the only people to stay with him during his crucifixion and Mary Magdalene was the first person to see him when he rose from the dead
Women told Jesus’ disciples that he had rose but they did not believe it - this proves women had immediate faith in Jesus and should be respected and treated as equals
If Jesus treated women as equals then Christians should follow the example of Jesus and do the same
This is followed by Liberal Christians (Church of England and Methodists)
+The Church of England
In 1993, they ordained their first women priests
They cannot become bishops
They believe that Jesus chose men as his apostles because of the culture of the time and not for any theological reasons
+The Bible
“So God created mankind in his own image…male and female he created them.” (Genesis 1:27)
Genesis teaches that God created men and women at the same time, it doesn’t say that one was created to be superior to the other
+The Golden Rule
“Do unto others as you would have them to do unto you.” (Matthew 7:12)
If you want to be treated equally then you should treat others equally
Christians should follow the example of Jesus
Quakers believe in the priesthood of all believers - they do not have ordained clergy
They believe that everyone can help others to know the will of God regardless of their sex
Women have given guidance and leadership on equal footing to men
They try to seek out men and women equally for all tasks
Five points against
Men should be head of the family and women should not speak in church or be ministers of priests
The Bible describes that men were created superior to women
Jesus’ disciples were only men
It is traditional for men to be leaders in Church
The Bible teaches women to be subservient to men
-Men should be head of the family and women should not speak in church or be ministers of priests
St Paul wrote” A woman should learn in quietness and submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or have authority over a man; she must be silent.” (1 Timothy 2: 11 -12)
This is followed by Evangelical Christians and their belief is that the Bible is the unalterable word of God
-Bible (Adam and Eve)
Genesis 2:7 and 21-2 describes how God created man first and Eve, the first woman, was made from one of Adam’s bones
Women are therefore inferior to men
-Jesus’ disciples were only men
The Gospels show that Jesus chose 12 men to be his disciples and made Peter the head of his Church
The apostles chosen to spread his word were also only men
Roman Catholics believe this
-It is traditional for men to be leaders in Church
Jesus was a man and priests represent Jesus in the Mass (Holy Communion) as so only men can be priests in the Roman Catholic Church
The Roman Catholic Church has only ever had male priests
-The Bible teaches women to be subservient to men
‘Wives submit to your husband… for the husband is head of the wife.’ (Ephesians 5:22)
What do the Roman Catholics believe about the role of men and women? Either side
“Each of the two sexes in an image of the power and tenderness of God, with equal dignity though in different ways.” (Pope John Paul II)
Men and women are equal in the eyes of God and are should be treated equally in society but they have different roles