christain beliefs Flashcards
Q1: What is Christianity?
A1: Christianity is the main religious tradition in Great Britain and one of the most diverse. It is a major religion based on the life of Jesus Christ.
Q2: How would you describe Christianity in terms of its religious classification?
A2: Christianity is an Abrahamic and monotheistic religion.
Q3: Name two other major Abrahamic religions.
A3: Judaism and Islam are the other main Abrahamic religions
What distinguishes Christianity in terms of denominations?
A4: Christianity has numerous denominations with different histories, traditions, and styles of church services.
Q5: Can you identify some examples of prominent Christian denominations?
A5: Some examples include the Roman Catholic Church, the Orthodox Church, the Pentecostal Church, Anglicans, Roman Catholics, Presbyterians, Methodists, and Baptists.
Q6: In terms of membership, what are the notable denominations in the UK?
A6: In the UK, Anglicans are the most common denomination, followed by Roman Catholics, Presbyterians, Methodists, and Baptists
Despite the diversity in denominations, what commonalities unite Christians?
A7: Despite denominational differences, all Christians believe in one God, follow the teachings of Jesus, and use the Bible as their holy book.
5 important qualities of God
Define omnipotence.
God’s all-powerfulness, the ability to do anything that is logically possible.
How would you define justice in the context of God?
fairness and righteousness of God’s actions and judgments
Explain omnibenevolence.
God’s all-loving and all-good nature, characterized by unlimited benevolence and compassion.
Define immanence.
God’s presence and activity within the created world, intimately involved in sustaining and interacting with it.
Explain transcendence.
God’s existence beyond the physical universe, surpassing human understanding and being beyond the limitations of space and time.
Quality: Omnipotence
God created the universe and everything in it.
• God’s omnipotence is evident through the miracles performed by Jesus.
• Biblical reference: “Nothing will be impossible with God” (Luke 1:37).
Quality: Just
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• God, with unlimited power and authority, is seen as the perfect giver of justice.
• Due to God’s all-loving nature, He opposes injustice, ill-treatment, prejudice, or oppression.
• God provided Moses with the Decalogue, outlining His expectations for human behavior.
• Biblical reference: “Let justice roll like a river” (Amos 5:24).
• Jesus taught in the Parable of the Sheep and Goats that God would judge people based on how they treated others.
• Biblical reference: “In everything, do to others what you would have them do to you” (Matthew 7:12).
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Quality: Omnibenevolence
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• God’s omnibenevolence is shown in creating humans in His image (Genesis 1:27), reflecting His love for His creation.
• God’s profound love for the world is illustrated by giving His only Son, demonstrating His willingness for Jesus to be crucified to save humanity.
• In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus emphasizes the principle of love, instructing followers to love even their enemies and pray for those who persecute them (Matthew 5:43).
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Quality: Immanence
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• Immanence refers to God’s presence within His creation.
• This belief holds that God is present in all of creation while remaining distinct from it.
• Biblical reference: “One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all” (Ephesians 4:6).
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Quality: Transcendence
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• God’s control and authority over His creation.
• It signifies that God is beyond humanity’s complete experience, perception, or comprehension.
• Biblical reference: “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts” (Isaiah 55:9).
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Importance to Believers: Omnipotence
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• Christians exhibit determination and resilience when encountering problems, trusting in God’s omnipotence. • Belief in God’s plan encourages Christians to trust in and be guided by Him.
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Importance to Believers: Just
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• Christians work for justice in society to reflect God’s just and compassionate nature. • They consider the consequences of their actions, aiming for reward on the Day of Judgment and the rectification of any wrongdoing.
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Importance to Believers: Omnibenevolence
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• Christians strive to love one another daily, following the Golden Rule and demonstrating agape. • They practice loving their enemies, exemplifying God’s omnibenevolence.
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Importance to Believers: Immanence
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• God’s immanence fosters awareness of and compassion for human suffering and sin among believers. • The belief in God’s presence provides comfort and assurance to Christians in their daily lives.
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Importance to Believers: Transcendence
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• God’s transcendence grants Him the power to heal, rescue, and redeem believers. • His transcendence beyond human understanding enables believers to trust in His ability to perform miracles and change their circumstances.
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The Problem of Evil
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• Evil and suffering exist in the world. • Evil can be categorized into Moral Evil and Natural Evil. • Christians believe in the omnipotence, omnibenevolence, and omniscience of God, which raises questions about the existence of evil.
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Possible Explanations for the Problem of Evil
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1. God is not powerful enough to stop evil. 2. God is unaware that evil is happening. 3. God does not possess enough love to want to prevent evil. 4. The existence of evil leads some to question God’s existence.
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Christian Response to Evil and Suffering: Free Will
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• God endowed humans with free will, enabling them to choose between good and evil. • Suffering often results from humans’ choices to engage in evil actions.
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Christian Response to Evil and Suffering: Life as a Test
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• Some Christians view life as a test, where reactions to suffering and evil determine one’s destination in the afterlife. • The example of Job in the Bible illustrates this concept, showcasing how he responded to suffering.
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Christian Response to Evil and Suffering: God’s Mysterious Ways
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• Some Christians believe that God operates in mysterious ways, with reasons for allowing evil and suffering that humans cannot comprehend. • Despite the lack of understanding, believers trust that God has a plan.
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Christian Response to Evil and Suffering: Prayer
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• Christians respond to evil and suffering through prayer, specifically intercession, where they ask God to help those who are suffering. • Intercessory prayer is a common practice in various forms of Christian worship.
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Christian Response to Evil and Suffering: Service
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• Christians physically respond to evil and suffering by engaging in acts of service. • This includes actively helping those who suffer, such as volunteering in hospitals and hospices, organizing aid for the homeless, and raising funds to assist less developed countries.
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The Holy Trinity
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• The Holy Trinity is the belief that God is Three-in-One. • It comprises God the Creator and Father, Jesus as the Son of God, and the Holy Spirit as the Spirit of God at work in the world.
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Characteristics of the Trinity
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• All three persons of the Trinity are both worshipped and recognized as separate entities of the one God. • While not explicitly stated in the New Testament, the Trinity distinguishes Christianity from other monotheistic religions like Islam and Judaism.
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The Nicene Creed
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• The Nicene Creed is a key source of authority for the belief in the Trinity. • It was formulated during the Council of Nicaea in 325 CE and is recited by Christians of various denominations in worship. • The Creed affirms belief in one God, the Father, the Almighty, in Jesus Christ as the only Son of God, and in the Holy Spirit as the Lord and giver of life
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Influence of the Trinity on Christians: As the Father
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• Christians feel loved by God and demonstrate love for others, such as through charitable acts.
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Influence of the Trinity on Christians: As the Son
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• God’s incarnation allows Christians to believe that God understands their struggles and can empathize with human experiences. • Christians can pray to God for help, knowing that He understands pain and suffering.
Influence of the Trinity on Christians: As the Spirit
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• The Holy Spirit provides spiritual strength, supporting and strengthening Christians in their faith journey. • Christians feel the presence of the Spirit in their lives, providing guidance and empowerment.
Influence of the Trinity on Christians: Acceptance of Mystery
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• The Trinity’s mystery teaches Christians to accept that there are aspects of God beyond human comprehension.
Influence of the Trinity on Christians: Understanding Scripture
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• The Trinity helps Christians understand biblical events, such as Jesus’ baptism and the significance of the Trinity in baptism rituals
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Christian Beliefs about Creation: Genesis Account
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• Christians believe God created the earth and all living things as described in Genesis Chapter One. • According to the biblical account, God created the universe in six days and rested on the seventh.
Christian Views on Creation: Creationists
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• Some Christians, known as Creationists, believe the biblical creation account happened exactly as written.
Christian Views on Creation: Religious Truth
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• Many Christians believe that while the Genesis account may not be scientifically accurate, it contains religious truth, emphasizing that God caused creation to happen by choice.
Christian Views on Creation: Omnipotent Creator
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• Christians believe God is the sole and omnipotent Creator of the universe, as depicted in the Bible.
Christian Views on Creation: Ordered Universe
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• The Bible states that God created an ordered, not chaotic, universe.
Christian Views on Creation: Involvement of the Trinity
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• Christians believe all three persons of the Trinity were involved in Creation:
• God the Father as the Creator.
• The Son of God, described as “the Word,” as depicted in the Gospel of John.
• The Holy Spirit, as described in Genesis 1:2-3, where the Spirit of God hovers over the waters.
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Christian Beliefs about Creation of Humans: Creation Timeline
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• Christians believe humans were created on the sixth day of creation, according to the Genesis account.
Christian Beliefs about Creation of Humans: Adam and Eve
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• Adam and Eve were the first two humans created by God, who lived in the Garden of Eden.
Christian Beliefs about Creation of Humans: Creation Process
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• According to Genesis 2:7, God formed man from the dust of the ground. • God created woman from a rib taken out of man (Genesis 2:21-22).
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Christian Beliefs about Creation of Humans: Creation in God’s Image
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• God created human beings in His own image, as stated in Genesis 1:27.
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Christian Beliefs about Creation of Humans: Dominion over Creation
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• God gave humans dominion over the rest of the created world, as stated in Genesis 1:28.
Christian Beliefs about Creation of Humans: Original Sin
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• Christians believe that Adam and Eve’s disobedience to God led to the introduction of evil and suffering into the world
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Influence of the Creation Story on Christians: Meaning and Purpose
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• The belief in creation affirms that the universe was not created by chance, imbuing human lives with meaning and purpose.
Influence of the Creation Story on Christians: Image of God
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• Human beings, made in God’s image, are seen as possessing inherent worth and potential. • This belief leads Christians to treat everyone with dignity and respect, following the Golden Rule.
Influence of the Creation Story on Christians: Importance to God
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• The act of creation underscores the importance of humans to God, prompting Christians to treat others with love and kindnes
Influence of the Creation Story on Christians: Dominion and Stewardship
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• Christians believe that their dominion over creation entails a responsibility to treat all beings equally and with respect. • This concept, known as stewardship, motivates Christians to protect and care for the planet and its inhabitants
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Christian Beliefs about Afterlife
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• Christians believe in life after death, where the soul lives on even after the physical body dies.
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Christian Beliefs about Afterlife: Immortality of the Soul
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• Christians believe in the immortality of the soul and anticipate the resurrection of the body on the Day of Judg
Christian Beliefs about Afterlife: Resurrection
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• Christians believe in the resurrection of the body, following Jesus’ example, as stated in the Apostles’ Creed and John 6:40.
Christian Beliefs about Afterlife: Judgment
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• God will judge individuals to determine if they will go to Heaven or Hell, as depicted in Matthew 25:46.
Christian Views on Heaven and Hell
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• Some Christians view Heaven and Hell as states of mind rather than physical places, where one’s relationship with God determines their happiness or unhappiness.
Christian Views on Heaven and Hell: Purgatory
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• Roman Catholics believe in Purgatory, a place where sins are punished and purification occurs before entering Heaven.
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Last Judgment and Resurrection: Second Coming
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• Many Christians believe that Jesus will return to Earth in the future, known as the Second Coming. At this time, all who have died will be resurrected.
bible verses about Last Judgement and Resurrection : Second Coming
Christ ascended into Heaven, and there sitteth, until he return to judge all men at the last day” (39 Articles IV).
• “In Christ all will be made alive” (1 Corinthians 15:22).
Last Judgment and Resurrection: Judgment
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• Some Christians believe in the Last Judgment, where all of humanity will be judged together.
Roman Catholic View:
• Roman Catholics believe in individual judgment upon death, rather than a collective judgment at the Last Judgment.
Bible Verses = Last Judgment and Resurrection: Judgment
For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each of us may receive what is due to us for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad” (2 Corinthians 5:10).
Influence on Christian Life
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• Christian beliefs about the afterlife influence their behavior and choices in life.
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Effect of Belief in Afterlife on Christians: Comfort
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• Belief in the afterlife comforts Christians, knowing that life extends beyond this earthly existence.
Effect of Belief in Afterlife on Christians: Meaning and Purpose
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• The belief in an afterlife provides Christians with meaning and purpose for their lives in the present.
Effect of Belief in Afterlife on Christians: Judgment
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• Belief in judgment motivates Christians to live according to the teachings of the Bible, seeking reward rather than punishment in the afterlife.
Effect of Belief in Afterlife on Christians: Judgment
Bible Verses
I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die” (John 11:25).
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Effect of Belief in Afterlife on Christians: Imitation of Christ
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• Christians strive to emulate Jesus’ life and teachings, believing in him as their path to salvation and eternal life.
Effect of Belief in Afterlife on Christians: Consequences of Ignoring Needs
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• Ignoring the needs of others carries consequences, while caring for others leads to rewards. This concept is illustrated in the Parable of the Sheep and Goats (Matthew 25:31-46).
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The Incarnation of Jesus: Virgin Birth
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• Christians believe in the miraculous virgin birth of Jesus, where Mary conceived a child through the Holy Spirit.
bible verse = the Incarnation of Jesus : Virgin birth
• “The holy one to be born will be called the Son of God” (Luke 1:35).
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The Incarnation of Jesus: Nicene Creed
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• The Nicene Creed affirms the Incarnation, stating that Jesus was “incarnate from the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary.”
The Incarnation of Jesus: Word Became Flesh
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• John 1:14 describes the Incarnation, stating that “the Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us.”
The Incarnation of Jesus: Jesus as the Christ
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• Christians refer to Jesus as the Christ, meaning the anointed one or Messiah.
The Incarnation of Jesus: Central to Salvation
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• Central to Christian belief in salvation is the Incarnation of Jesus, where the second person of the Holy Trinity became the Son of God incarnate.
The Incarnation of Jesus: Fully God and Fully Man
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• Christians believe that Jesus was both fully God and fully man, divine and human.
The Incarnation of Jesus: Fully God and Fully Man
bible verse
The Bible describes how God “appeared in the flesh” (1 Timothy 3:16).
The Incarnation of Jesus: Life and Teachings
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• Christians use the life and teachings of Jesus as an example of how they should live.
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The Crucifixion of Jesus: Last Supper
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• Before his death, Jesus had a Passover meal with his disciples in Jerusalem, known as the Last Supper.
The Crucifixion of Jesus: Last Supper
bible verse
Do this in remembrance of me” (Luke 22:19).
The Crucifixion of Jesus: Sentence and Location
• Jesus was sentenced to be crucified in Golgotha for blasphemy.
The Crucifixion of Jesus: Witnesses
bible verse
• Many people, including women, witnessed the crucifixion of Jesus.
Bible Verse:
• “A large number of people followed him, including women who mourned and wailed for him” (Luke 23:27).