Chpts. 10-13 Land use regulation by govt/ takings/ eminent domain Flashcards
test for constitutionality of zoning
rational basis: huge level of deference
Euclid standard
legal unless: clearly arbitrary and unreasonable, having no substantial relation to general welfare of public
spot zoning
singling out parcels for different treatment
mistake approach
amendment to zoning valid if mistake made in original, or conditions have changed significantly
allows for an owner to get out of zoning law
2 types of variances
- area variance–modification of lot size, height, etc.
2. use variance–hardship
special exceptions to zoning
allowed on a case-by-case basis
conditional zoning
rezoning a parcel when owner satisfies conditions imposed by locality in order to mitigate impact of zoning change
floating zone
no specific area yet for large-scale development
cluster zone
restricts # of homes to allow for open space
eminent domain
- taking of property by govt for public good
2. requires just compensation
limitations to eminent domian
can’t limit for purely private use
Penn Central Standard
balancing test: look at economic impact of regulation, the character of the govt action, and the extent to which the regulation has interfered w/ distinct, investment-backed expectation
regulatory taking ok, even if it strips the entire economic value when:
where regulation is trying abate a nuisance
Takings per se
permanent, physical occupation of land
or economic viability is stripped from LO